Chapter 26: In the Arms of an Angel

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Editor's note: tw: mention of suicide.

When I was little, I had to sleep with the curtains shut every single night. If they were open even a fraction, I would put on the light and walk the short distance to the window and close them properly, wondering why when you ask someone to close the curtains and make sure they're closed properly, they don't do it. As soon as I got back into bed, I would always feel just a little guilty for thinking that. They didn't have to even attempt, they could have told me to do it myself.

My reasoning for such things was that I hated the shadows on the wall. I hated the trees at the front of the house which used to cast them and how they would sway when it was windy and make it look like somebody was trying to get in through the window.

That was also something I grew out of and something I would forever deny ever frightened me.


Lisa made us go to bed early last night. We didn't do the things I know we both wanted to do, but we said the words we both needed to say. I told her again that I loved her and she told me she loved me, too.

I knew she was getting tired when her blinks were increasing and she started taking more time to open her eyes again. I smiled and told her to rest because, really, she looks so cute when she's trying not to fall asleep. She returned the smile and continued to look into my eyes until hers closed and she whispered "goodnight," before sleep claimed her.

I didn't take my eyes off her for hours. I tore them away thirty minutes ago and felt satisfied in having watched her sleep, watched her dream. I smiled at how every time I moved my arm closer to hers and ignored the pain she would frown slightly and move hers away from me, not wanting to hurt me even in sleep.

A low moan causes me to turn to face her again and I feel her shift slightly underneath the covers, it makes my eyebrows raise and the corners of my lips turn up. My face feels a little warmer than usual.

Her breaths are rapid and her head leans to the side just slightly, pressing back into the pillow. I move my hand across the sheets and place my palm against her rapidly beating heart. Even though I have my usual reaction, I keep it there for a few seconds longer, loving the feel of it against my palm.

It wasn't long before I moved my hand away. I was afraid I would wake her up. The last thing I did was press my lips over her heart before I pulled back and was mildly disappointed when her dream appeared to be over.

An hour passes where all I think about is my family and what their plans would be if they were still alive. I think about how many people are going to die today, some by natural causes, some by terrible accidents, some by intentional cause, and some unnecessarily in vicious attacks or murders.

Mr. and Mrs. Manoban are awake, their shower was running earlier and I can hear the radio from behind closed doors. They didn't even speak to Lisa yesterday.

Lisa takes in a breath through her nostrils and stretches out, causing her leg to come into contact with mine. She pulls it back quickly enough that it was almost nice, it was almost a simple, albeit very brief, pleasant touch.

"Hey", her eyes are open and they look sleepy. They're beautiful. They close again and I smile at her laziness. "Lis, wake up."

She grunts and nestles her head further into her pillow, not ready to return to the land of the living just yet.

"I know you're not asleep," I try again. She's trying not to smile at me. "Did you have good dreams?" I ask with a barely concealed smirk.

There isn't one sign of embarrassment to her features. She must not remember it. Her shoulders shrug. "Only remember one."

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