The Rising And The Falling CH.7

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       _____♤TOYA'S POV ♤_____

the screaming of the man below me drowned out any other sound as I focused on maiming the man. It had me seeing red every time I would hit his head into the ground harder then the last.

The only thing on my mind was the memories of seeing my 'Father' beating my mother. My mother's blood stained the floor of our bedroom, as her screams filled my ears.

"This I what you deserve!" I chanted the words of my father. The man's body fades from my mind and becomes my father's body as I grabbed and pushed the man's skull harder into the ground as his blood stained the ground and my hands.

The only thing that snapped me out of my trance was the command of Ubuyashiki-sama's crow "CAW! BACK DOWN" Ubuyashiki-sama's face flashed thought my head as I jumped off of the man who was now being consumed by the purple mist.

I smell of the man and another smell appears behind me, "don't let your guards down the fight not over yet" I say to the classmates I sense behind Aiya and I.

The big aura that we had already cut down started to get up again. "Shimazu-kun,Katarata-chan can you help me take Mr.Aziawa to safety all might will take care of the rest" stated a unfamiliar voice of one of our classmates.

I just nodded my head and grabbed a side of Mr.Aziawa and started to carry him to the place 13's smell is coming from. But before we get there I heard the man order the nomu to grab Aiya and I.

"Here Aiya help take Mr. Aizawa to 13 " I ordered her as she grabs Aizawa. I turned and started running towards the smell of the ashes the man gave off. But what had me jump back was the loud sound of bangs and the screaming of the man.

As I sense a intense battle to my right as one of the auras fighting get blash away. "Let's get pull out" the man that smells like ashes saids as the man named Kurogiri.

As their auras fade Midoriya runs to all might, "All might!" I just turned and ignored them. "Wait young Shimazu you won't tell anyone what you've seen right?" "I'm blind I can't see I can only sense auras and I have more heightened senses then most people so no because I don't know what your talking about, other then the fact your aura has greatly depleted" I say as I head back to help Aiya with carrying Mr. Aizawa.







       _____🥦 IZUKU'S POV 🥦_____

I was stunned at how Shimazu-kun brutal kept slamming the villains head into the ground. I sent chills down our spine as tsu, mineta and I heard him chant "THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE!" in murderous voice.

But it got worse as none stopped him. Not even Katarata-chan she just stood there just looking away. As I see blood staine Shimazu-kun's hands and the ground around them.

I heard the heavy sound of the doors opening as all might makes his entrance. Kirishima was leaning over the purple mist villain as bakugou had him pinned down.

The villain whose name is shigaraik shouts for Kurogiri. Who somehow escaped from bakugou and started to consume shigaraik and Shimazu-kun. "Young Shimazu get away from that villain!" All might shouts. But that doesn't stop him the only one that does was a black crow perched on a rock.

"CAW! BACK DOWN!" right as the crow saids that he immediately jumps away towards Katarata-chan. Kirishima who has helped carry Mr.Aziawa.  he had them help him with carrying Mr.Aziawa, but shigaraik had said something about capturing them and Shimazu-kun had Katarata-chan carrying Mr.Aziawa as he went back to fight.





                     {○TIME SKIP○}



        _____♤TOYA'S POV♤_____

After the villains fled we are taken back to the school to be questioned. The only two from our class who were hurt was Izuku midoriya and Mr.Aziawa.

Aiya and I were call into the principal's office. There were three other auras in the room. "Come sit down Shimazu,Katarata we need to talk about what happened".

Aiya grabs my hand and pulls me over to the seats. "So you probably guess we are here to talk about your act of overly violence to a villain" I just stay quiet as memories of my parents flash in my head.

"So what was that about we don't Condon that kind of excessive violence" as the memories flash faster and faster the more the principal talked. "Stop asking Master to explain himself he doesn't have to explain himself to none other than Ubuyashiki-sama" Aiya voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Yes we understand that you guys are from the past but now that you are at my school you'll need to follow the rules like every other students" principal nezu stated.

"So are you going to tell us or not?" "How much time do you have?" "Mast-" I turn my head to her and flick her forehead. "It's along story but you won't say anything else to anyone understood?" At the end of my sentence my voice becomes murderous. "Yes we understand" that was the last thing he said for awhile.







Hope you enjoyed sorry for any wrong grammar mistakes!😊

Also the next chapter we'll learn more about toya!♤♡


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