He Knows

736 33 3

Tw: Blood and violence


I remember everything from yesterday. From the argument to me falling asleep in the car. I don't remember getting here or changing clothes.

I brush all that to at aside. I had to call Clay. I Pick up my phone. I go to his contact and stare at it for a minute. I know it won't be any good for when I answer.

I hit the call button and put it on speaker. I drop the phone on the bed and wait for an answer. If he'll answer that is. It rings four times and he finally answers.

"Y/N?" I could hear all of the worry in his voice. I immediately felt guilt creep into my whole body. Of course he was worried about me and where I was. I hate when people worry about me.

"Clay I'm sorry. I don't even know
what-" he cuts me off. "Y/N save the bullshit. I know what you were doing last night."

He continues, "Want to hear something funny. When you're boyfriend sent the text. I thought that maybe it could be an crazy ex. But when I seen you and your other boyfriend I just knew."

I was confused other other? What other boyfriend ? I don't have even have one boyfriend. Did Ken send a picture of me and Someone else together?

"Clay I don't have any boyfriend what are you talking about?"

"Y/N I'm not listening to your lies today. You were out partying with your second boyfriend Going MIA. This time you can't say 'we're just friends' when I literally seen a picture of you guys kissing!"

"Wait a picture? Clay, I'm telling the truth I have no Boyfriend at all."

"Fine do I have to send you the picture. Actually I'm going to send it to you anyways."

Silence filled the call while he forwarded the picture. I don't know what to feel right now. What guy was I kissing? My phone vibrates letting me know that he sent the picture. I click the notification and my jaw dropped.

It was fucking Leon. All of the memories from last night. Him being all touchy and him kissing me a whole bunch. But who took this picture? Only one person would do that.

"Your first boyfriend sent a this to me last night Y/N. So you want to tell me you don't have any boyfriend again. You and your stupid lies Y/N. Does your second boyfriend know about your first boy-"

"Okay just shut up." It was time for me to raise my voice and cut him off. "I'm tired of you saying that I'm lying when I'm telling the truth. I don't have a fucking boyfriend or two. I just put the pieces together. I didn't come home last night because my so called 'second boyfriend' gave me some strong alcohol that made me pass out in the car. I can barely remember anything. I don't even know how I got here or how I changed. But that's not important right now. What matters is that I need to figure out what happened and explain everything in details to you."

He was silent on the other end of the call. I took it as a chance to continue. "I'll be back at your house as fast as I can. I'll tell you everything and show you proof."

"Y/N how can I believe anything you say." "Because instead of flipping out and raising your voice. You're going to listen to me and I'll show you text messages picture or whatever you want to see."

"Fine whatever." "Okay I'm going to get my Uber now." "Okay bye Y/N." I hear him annoyed. "Bye!"

I hang up the phone and get out of bed. I go to look for my things. While I was looking for my shoes the door opens. Wouldn't you know. Leon come walking through.

He just stands there and looks at me. I look back at them ready jump at him.

Leon POV

I'm currently waiting at Kens hotel room door so I can enter. I was supposed to get my first payment.

After knocking for who knows how long Ken opens the door. I didn't waste anything one and walk right past him into the room.

"I'll take cash or a check. You can even cash app it to me." I turned to face him. He was slowly closing the door.

He left out a nervous chuckle. "Leon I'm sorry but I don't have five-thousand dollars." He continues laughing.

I took two steps closer to him. "So you're meaning to tell me. I did all of this for nothing. You don't have my money the you promised me."

He puts in hands up in defense. "Technically I didn't promise you anything." "Well technically if I beat your ass right here. No one can come and help you," I raised my voice as I spoke.

I took a few steps closer to him. He backs into the wall as I came closer. Ken started speaking quick "Okay-okay wait. B-but my plans working. Y/N will come crawling back in n-" "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU'RE DUMB ASS PLAN." I yell at him.

I calm myself a little before speaking again. "Listen Ken Y/N is fucking up in my room sleep. When he wakes up he's going to remember everything and hate me. I only did this for my mother's sake."

Kens laughs manically. "Leon Are you fucking dumb. Y/N would've never liked you in the first place. Also I bet you're mother would be disappointed in you right now. You're mother ne-"

I cut him off with a quick hard punch to the jaw. He puts his hand under his mouth as blood drips down. I down look at my knuckles to see his blood on it.

I roll my eyes and then walk close to him. I whisper in his ear. "I'm going to get my money soon. Or this won't be the worst thing you'll feel."

I walk over the door open it and walk out. I quickly walk over to the elevator. As I wait for it come down I feel the tears fill up in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away.

I can't cry right now. I have to fix the mess I made. The elevator doors opens and I get in and hit the floor 4 button.

It makes sense now. Melody never went to Ken for anything. It was always Y/N. If Y/N wasn't available she wouldn't even think about going to Ken.

She would tell Y/N all about her relationship. When it came to Ken she just pretended she didn't have any sort of love life.

Y/N didn't deserve this. Ken didn't want their friendship back. He wanted Y/N to suffer and I helped him.

Y/N. How am I supposed to tell him about all of this. He's going to be so upset at me. But he'll understand right?

The elevator door opens and I walk out. I put my hand in my pocket. I can't have people seeing the blood on my hand.

I quickly walk to my room with my head down. I open the door to see Y/N Standing right there. And he's looking at me with an angry face. He knows.


I start school in September. Updates will be very slow when that's happens. They may start already slowing down because I have to get in the flow of things. But I promise I'll get as many chapters as possible.

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