Welcome!/Night 1

30 1 87

A animatroic like above greeted them

(liz takes the place of CB and the hand unit. So she kinda acts like CB, guilding them to their deaths but telling them what to do like hand unit)

"Hi my name is Liz! I'm built with the best AI of the time so I can help you work today" Liz greeted with a '^^' face

She seemed cheery and helpful

Nightmare sensed something off

"Alright, I'm just with these idiots to make sure they don't die" 

Dust groaned, horror did also.

"But I'm your idiot~" Killer teased

"Shut up Idiot" 

Killer had an 'oof' moment

Liz chuckled "Today you got to make sure the animatrics are where they should be and make sure the pizza stuff isn't rotten. Don't worry I'll help you with it!"

"I call dibs on pizza!" Horror called

"Alright XD" Liz giggled

Dust sighed

"Come on,we got to check the animatriocs" Nightmare lead the group to the first animatrioc stage,Lisa's stage.

'That name reminds of someone' Nightmare thought, the creepiness was starting to get to him. Making him uneasy.

Dust was even more uneasy,since the names 'Liz' and 'Lisa' seemed familar.

Horror had left to the kiticen, Cross being the only one to notice him missing. Cross said nothing though cause he didn't want to look like the idiot again

Killer did notice but said nothing

'He was annoying anyway' Killer thought, staying close to nightmare

Error hated his outfit they all had to wear, in Error's view of things, it was very tight unlike the loose clothing he wore normally.

Horror was eating some pizza,he didn't even check if it was good or not, he just ate it not even caring.

It was free afterall.

Liz giggled evilly "Looks like someone didn't listen~ Looks like Helpy gets a treat~"

Horror fliched at the voice and looked around but saw no one


Horror fliched again. Someone was there

"O-Oh B-Bon B-Bon GO GETTEM"

Horror screamed as bon bon's human like teeth were replaced with nightmare teeth that looked like the nightmare's.

Bon bon grabbed onto the crack on horror's skull..............


A scream was heard from the kiticen were horror was.

But when Cross got there.............all that was left was horror's axe on the ground. No one was there. Helpy and Liz weren't there.

Cross started to get scared, unware that Liz and helpy had killed horror

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