Lazyness/Night 2

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As soon as 6 A.M hit everyone ran out the door, letting the day shift come in.

Cross and Dust were glad as *heck* to be out of that creepy place.

They ploped on the couch, falling asleep as soon as their eyes closed.

Nightmare sighed "These idiots"

Killer just nightmare like the weirdo he is.

Error went to the bathroom to change out of those tight night guard outfit

Nightmare sat on Dust and started watching whatever trashy drama show they had.

Killer just stared at the wall cause nightmare moved for some reason......

no one but cross noticed Horror gone.

Though Nightmare thought something was off, Killer always told him it was nothing

Night 2:

Nightmare walked them in again, finally noticeing Horror wasn't there

"That scaredy cat ditched us" Nightmare groaned, not knowing Horror was long dead.

Killer just smiled "We will be fine without him anyway Boss"

Nightmare looked and Killer and smiled "Yeah your right for once. Good Job Killer"

Killer jumped up and down in happiness, he then stuck his tounge out at the others snickering cause Killer was currently the favorite.

The other bad sanses growled in anger,but acted normal when nightmare looked at them.

Nightmare shurgged, not even bothering to check.

Liz told them what to do again and then tapped cross on the shoulder,whispering "Hey I know this is really boring, wanna come with me? I got a much of funny memes XD"

Cross nodded, kinda as is to say 'Yes please'

Liz grabbed his hand and lead him to a room that said 'BackRoom'

The door was very rusty, and their was a bit of blood on it.

When Cross was in the room, Liz locked the door. 


Cross fliched and then looked at Liz, then looked around the room. He tried not to scream. 

Their was dead bodies and blood all over the room. It smelled like rotting bodies, and you couldn't sleep this outside the room.

The scent was kinda killing Cross.

Liz stepped close, a claw with ice cream coming out.

Cross was the idiot and grabbed it, the claw grabbing him making him drop the ice cream.

Liz then crushed him to death, you could hear his bones cracking

Nightmare noticed Cross left and started to get worried ,Cross wasn't the one to ditch them. 

Horror was gone, and now Cross was.

Killer didn't care, it was just less people to try and get nightmare for him. yes compitition the better.

Dust was starting to really get creeped out.

As soon as 6 AM hit, Nightmare and the only two left that weren't killed. 

Lisa and Lilly were waiting for their kills. 

"Minireena(s) it's time to bring them the hell they deserve~"

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