chapter 28

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Opening the main door with the spare key Vijay had, Jay carefully took him upstairs to his room.

Madhu who was struggling with sleep due to the thoughts of Vijay, came out of her room hearing the noise from outside.

When Madhu came out of her room what she was Jay carefully making Vijay lay down on his bed. He then removed Vijay's shoes and coat. During this time Jay didn't notice Madhu who was standing in front of the room watching his doings.

Madhu stood there silently watching how Jay was taking care of his best friend.

When Jay turned back to leave after making sure that Vijay was in a comfortable position, he saw Madhu at the door. Giving a pleasant smile to her, Jay walked towards Madhu after moving his gaze back at Vijay for one more time.

"What happened to him, Anna?" Madhu asked Jay in a panicked voice.

Jay could say how worried she was for Vijay by looking into her eyes. Seeing her sorrow filled face Jay couldn't ask her anything about the fight between them. "Don't worry, he was drunk... That's why..." Jay said calmly.

But Jay's words increased the sorrow in her face instead of reducing it. "Is he...?" She asked unbelievably.

Vijay's drinking habit was new information for Madhu. She hasn't seen him getting drunk not even once after started to stay here in his house.

Understanding what she could have thought Jay answered immediately, " He is not a habitual drinker... he was just worried about something so... don't worry..."

"I know what he was worried about... everything happened because of me... I should not have said like that..." she came to the verge of crying.

Jay was confused about how to console this girl standing in front of him like a school kid with pouted lips. "Madhu, listen to me...don't worry about what you said to him before... He told me what happened... I will make him understand once he get back to his sane mind... Now he is not in a condition to listen to us... So now you sleep... rest we will solve tomorrow... Okay?"

Madhu slowly nodded her head wiping her tears. Jay's words somehow eased her heart a little.
He left from there when Madhu entered her room.

Sleep was nowhere near her, she laid in her bed struggling to get sleep. Her thoughts were filled with the words Vijay said and the tears she saw in his eyes. It hunted her like a never-ending nightmare not letting her close her eyes.

Madhu got up from her bed when she realized she won't be able to sleep that night. With slow steps she walked to Vijay's room, she was careful not to make any noise and wake up Deksha who was sleeping near her.

Vijay's room door was opened as he didn't lock it from inside as Jay was the one who brought him to his room.

Going near his bed Madhu looked at him who was sleeping like a kid. Tiredness was evident in his face, the words she said to him repeated in her mind seeing his face.

"Vijay, I am sorry..." she whispered to him, two drops of tears escaped from her eyes.

Sitting on the edge of the bed she slowly moved her hand through his hair. With the soft touch of her hand, he moved a little. "I love you Vijay..." She pressed her soft lips on his cheeks. He smiled in his sleep like knowing her presence near him.

"Madhu..." Vijay whispered like he was in some dreams.

"So you will know my presence even in your dreams..." She pinched his ear playfully. But he didn't wake up with that due to the effect of alcohol on his body.

Being not ready to leave his side, without disturbing his sleep she laid near him moving inside his duvet. Involuntarily Vijay put his hand around Madhu's waist like a kid hugging his teddy. Without knowing her presence but feeling the comfort her presence was giving, Vijay continued to sleep peacefully.
Madhu also fell into sleep like a feather falling in the breeze, in his arms.

Sunlight fell into every corner of the room breaking the boundaries made by the glass window and the white curtain cloth. Vijay's peaceful sleep started to get disturbed when the ray travelled to reach his eyes. He groaned in his sleep pulling the duvet over his head.

He felt fresh even though had a slight hangover headache. When the time reached 6 o'clock his usual alarm rang remaining him about the workout time.

When Vijay reached his mobile to stop the alarm, Madhu started to turn around in the bed getting disturbed by it.

Vijay's hand which moved to stop the alarm got stuck in the midway getting shocked by feeling a soft thing moving near him....................

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