chapter 31

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His lips curled upward when he saw Madhu hiding her face inside her palm. He forcefully removed her hand from her face and put his one hand around her waist moving her close to him.

Madhu refused to open her eyes even when Vijay's breath hit her face.

"Madhu..." His voice was husky.

A drop of tear slide through her cheek when his soft voice touched her ear. "I'm... Sorry, Vijay... I won't do that anymore..." That sorry was for everything.

Vijay fixed his gaze on her with a smile on his lips but the thought of something made the smile vanish a little.

'I should tell her about Sandra's Dad and that I agreed for the engagement drama... But would she understand me...?' He asked himself.

Madhu looked at him doubtfully seeing him immersed in deep thoughts. She raised her eyebrows at him questing, poking him on his right upper.

"Madhu, you have to listen to me carefully... you should not overreact before you hear the whole thing..." Vijay said as a preparation before saying the things to her.

Madhu looked at him doubtfully hearing what he said, she understood that it was something serious.

When he felt like she was ready to hear what he was going to say, he started saying everything including the problem in his company and the fake engagement he was planning to do with Sandra. He told her everything except the past issues related to her dad Rajashekar because he felt like that was not the right time to disclose her about her dad.

Madhu looked at him unbelievably when he told her about the engagement drama. "But... why should you do that...?" she asked, not ready to digest the fact he was going to get engaged with Sandra even if it was just acting from his side.

"I have to do that Madhu... because her father is not a Saint like I thought... he won't even think twice before hurting me... but I am not worried about me... I'm worried about my mom and you... I can't risk your life in this..." he somehow convinced Madhu.

His words melted Madhu convincing her, she sat there resting her head on his shoulder. He was her world.

When both of them realise about the time, they parted away from each other to turn back to their morning routine before getting caught by anybody.

Madhu walked to the door with a smile on her lips, she wanted to stay there in his presence inhaling his scent as much as she could. But she cannot as she might get caught by Priya or Manjula. When Madhu opened the door his strong hands encircled around her waist preventing her from leaving.

"Vijay, what are you doing...? Someone might see us..." she said in a panicked voice pointing at the opened door.

"One more kiss..." he said in a husky voice moving lips on her shoulder. She stood there not moving, surrendering herself to his spell. He moved away from her giving a soft peck on her forehead.

Madhu walked to her room shyly biting her nails, turning back to him several times. He stood there fixing his eyes on her till she moved away from his gaze.

Sandra, who stood behind the wall of the balcony hiding from them had a cruel smile on her face.

'I will end you slowly, Madhumitha' she said looking at the mobile in her hand.

She went to her room with a victory smile sending a photo in her mobile to someone through Watsapp.


Madhu went to college happily without any chaos in her mind. All her worries ended today with the presence of Vijay.

Anjali looked at her doubtfully raising her eyebrows seeing the crazy smile on her face. "Something fishy..." she said dramatically teasing Madhu.

Madhu smiled at her biting her tongue like a child who get caught after stealing chocolates. They walked through the campus to their department talking about many things. Anjali was happy to see her friend with a glowing smile on her face.

When they reached near their department Anjali saw some guys standing near the stairs saying something in their group, pointing to Madhu and Anjali.

They looked face to face not knowing what was happening "I think they are commenting about us..." Anjali said in a confused voice to Madhu while she was checking herself to see whether there was any problem with her dressing, Madhu also did the same thing.

"But... why are they looking at us...?" Madhu asked Anjali while they continued to walk.

As they walked forward into their department building they saw students standing on both sides of the corridor, alone and in groups looking at them weirdly. They felt it difficult to walk forward with the deep stare of the students.

Some are looking at them like they are seeing some alien species while others are commenting and laughing in groups pointing at them.....................................

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