// Chapter 7 //

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Harry's picture showed up on my tv an my heart sunk he got him self into danger for me. The day went slowly and everywhere I went there was either a picture of Harry or somebody talking about him. This was my first day back at school and it was the worst day I had ever had. I had no friends and kept getting crowded every where I went just for information on where if been and what Harry had done. Just thinking about him made me want to cry. I walked to my locker and saw Amy and Eleanor rush past giving me dirty looks I know they were talking about me so I made my way to the bathroom. Being their ex best friend I knew where they did all their gossiping. I quickly got into a cubical before they came and placed my ear against the door. a few moments later I heard the door and voices of Amy and Eleanor. They talked about English class and how the girl they hated threw her homework in the floor but then they moved in to something more interesting. Harry.
"Its funny she doesn't know!" Amy said
Were they going to say whet I thought they were going to say ?!
"What ? You handed Harry in to the police !" Eleanor screeched
"Yep" Amy replied laughing in between.
"HOW COULD YOU ?!" Amy shouted
I heard a slap and and Amy hit the floor.
"AMY !!" I said as I lames open the toilet door.
I laid my hands on Amy checking she was ok.
"It was you? You turned in my boyfriend ?"
She smiled and walked out of the toilets leaving me and Amy on the bathroom floor.
"Are you okay?" I asked
She stood up hugging me
"Yes I'm fine but the real question are you?" She said
"No how could she do this ?!" I shouted kicking my foot against the wall.
"It was supposed to be a prank at first we were going to tell you had been arrested but I didn't think she was gonna to do it" she said
"I'm so sport it was meet meant to go this far" she added.
I hugged her leaving the bathroom.
We were friends again but I was going to have to use this was not the end of me Harry.

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