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"Order! Order! Order!" Meg yelled dramatically over our voices. "A new play by miss jo March will appear at the Barnville theatre in the course of the next few weeks that will surpass anything ever seen before on the American stage!" Meg announced with a posh, masculine accent.

Meg bowed in-front of us as we all cheered.
"Weekly report Meg good, jo bad, Beth very good and Amy sort of middling."  Meg told us as we nodded our heads and giggled.

Jo walked up to where Meg was " Mr president and gentlemen  I wish to propose the admission of a new member," we all looked at each other curiously " one who would be deeply grateful and add immensely to the spirit of the club..I purpose... MR Theodore Laurence!" Jo said enthusiastically.

"Absolutely not." I told her frowning.
"No!" Beth said at the same time .

"What? Come on let's have him." Jo begged us. "No jo! He's a really boy." I say as Meg continues.
"Yeah we don't want any boys this club is for ladies!" Meg agreed as she furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance.
"Yeah maybe we can invite belle instead." Beth. Suggests looking over at me.
"Yeah please let's have her jo" Meg and I agree. "Okay then we can have them both then!" Jo argues.

"I say we should" Beth says. It's not that I didn't like Laurie I thought he was a nice boy and he was quite handsome too. But I'd rather has this be a girls only sort of thing.
"What why!" I cry back when I hear Beth agree to having Laurie in our club . "I mean it's Laurie." Beth tells me but Meg and I still disagree with having Laurie in.

"Alright i call a vote. All those who think we should have Laurie in say put ur hand up. Aye aye aye" jo declares lifting megs hand as she protests and Beth voluntarily puts her hand up and looks over to Amy. "Come on please." Jo begged until I finally gave in and lifted my hand.

"And there's no time like the present" jo says as Laurie jumps out from behind a clothing rack scaring the life out of Meg, Beth and I. Beth leaned into my side with a small shriek.

"Ladies, ladies, please, please. This is my stratagem. I deserve the blame. Jo only gave in after lots of teasing!" Laurie said putting on a fake accent as we were all laughing over each other.

"I merely wish to say as a slight token of my gratitude that I-I as a mean of promoting friendly relations between e-er adjoining nations and thus I propose a set of keys! Laurie states as he picks up a wooden box and opens it up revealing 5 of the same keys all with different colours of ribbon tied to them.

He hands one out to each of us. "They are for a little post office belle helped me make in the forest" he chuckled as I realised
"Hey! What about belle we can't leave her out jo."  I say looking over to her.
"Yes she's be here next time Amy I promise" jo says to me as I sigh and say fine.

Isabelle Laurence

"Bye I'll be back soon!" I yell out to my grandfather as I pick up my picnic basket and shut the door. I was meeting Amy in our favourite area of the forest. 

When I finally made it Amy was already there, she was sitting on a blanket as she sketched in a brown little leather book. "Hi, I'm here and I have food" I say with a smile, I set down my picnic basket and adjust the blue dress I was wearing so it wouldn't get dirty as I sat down "good! I'm starving!" She exclaimed.

Her hair was pinned back into a low bun and her fringe had been slightly messed up by the wind but it still framed her face nicely.

We talked for a while and planed to go ice skating on the frozen lake in front of our houses tomorrow. "I wish we could go to the theatre with Meg, jo and Laurie but jo says I can't go because I wasn't invited but I never get to go anywhere!" Amy told me whilst she continued drawing.
"I know I asked Laurie but he told me maybe he could take me another time and that he wanted to take jo, did you know that Mr. Davis invited Meg ?" I laugh as I asked her.

"What what? Meg never told me that," she cried "They never tell me anything, I'm always getting left out I'm sure they have already told Beth" she complained

"Yeah but you're lucky you have sisters I wish I had at least one sister of my own, don't get me wrong I love Laurie and all but living with 2 boys and no other girl isn't always the best" I sigh talking a bite of a pastry. She laughed before saying "okay, okay I should get going I promised Beth she could give me a piano lesson." And with that she packed up her things and we said good bye, I stayed a little longer just to read a bit of my book.


"How do I look?" Laurie asked me with a twirl showing me what he was wearing to the theatre.
"Like you always do," I reply putting away a dress not paying much attention to him which he noticed and rolled his eyes at.
"Okay I'm leaving now to pick up jo. I'll see you later"

Okay so this is a short chapter and kinda Boring 💀 but the next will be better. Also there are probably so many spelling mistakes in this chapter

paintings // Amy March Where stories live. Discover now