ashley was born in southern mississippi in her parents room and when she was 5 she moved to new mexico where she would have to take the bus with her parents to school. one she was 15 she started realising she kept having dreams of having to save people from near death experiences that included a train , she told everyone she thought would believe her , but sadly they did not believe her "nonsense" so she just let it go , and we'll it stoped! for 1 day. she got tired of it and tried to stop sleeping but she couldn't stop , once she moved out she had to make the choice of , gun to her head or therapy and of course she chose therapy she wanted to live because she had way more time to live , am i kidding she was only 18!? so of course she wanted to live but when she moved conveniently there was a train track , but she just thought nothing of it so she just unpack and got comfortable... but one day surly had to make a choice that was unbelievable..... huh?! well i'm not gonna tell you. you have to read the story it's made by a teeny tine uwu baby so go on and read it🙄🤞 k bye
save them
Açãoashley has dreams nonstop about saving people from a train , but one day it will have to actually happen. will she risk her life for another? or will she be selfish and save herself...