Part 3 - The Ball

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December 25th, 1944

As shameful as it was to admit to it, you were enjoying your newfound popularity thoroughly. The fact that you had landed yourself in second place during the first task of the Triwizard Tournament meant you had proven yourself in the eyes of your peers alas. Now as people remembered your name, and eagerly addressed you in the hallways of the cold castle you did not know how to react accordingly at all. For you knew that the sole reason you had not found yourself in last place was the fact that Tom Riddle had, for some reason been courteous enough not to let you be crushed to death by the fallen troll.

As thankful as you were, he had made it quite clear that he weren't interested in gratitude. So that was one thing that had not changed since the first task, you still seemed to be nothing to this strange boy. At least nothing noteworthy.

The snow laid heavy over the schoolgrounds and the dance lessons were at large among Hogwarts's many students. The girls of Beauxbatons were of course quite familiar with the waltz, as it was expected from them to behave like the finest of magical young ladies. For you the expectations grew far taller, as you were to open the dance you needed an adequate partner.

And many potential partners presented themselves in an overwhelmingly short amount of time, after all who would not want to lead a Triwizard champion on the dancefloor?

Without much thought you accepted the proposal of a Slytherin student named Neil Lament, who just so happened to be the leader of their house's quidditch team. It was your classmate, Celeste who had insisted you ought to accept someone of his impressive background and abilities, even if you did not quite care for him otherwise. With your head high in the winter clad clouds, you could not help but wonder who Riddle would take.

There was hardly any logic in your infatuation with this boy, he was not friendly nor kind. He was not your friend. You were solely acquainted as adversaries in this tournament and nothing more, nothing less.

And yet, as you feasted in the great hall looking his way, you'd catch him ever so often gazing at you in the most unreadable sort of manner. You could not possibly get tired of this dark gaze, every second of it left you feeling more and more insatiable as if you hungered greatly for his full attention all throughout your days spent at Hogwarts.

Your dress was long and crimson red, as you stood there outside the great hall waiting for your date you spotted Tom Riddle, walking arm in arm with his own date – an older girl named Lucretia Black. It was hard to explain, but the sight of them together felt like a punch to the gut. You supposed she was a perfect match for him, even back in France you had heard of the most noble house of Black. Despite her status, Tom had a magnifying air around him causing most students present to look his way.

As more and more student entered the beautifully decorated great hall, your date Neil Lament had yet to show up and the dance was about to begin. Before Tom and Lucretia disappeared into the hall, you thought you saw him grin at you briefly – perhaps he took some sadistic joy in the fact that you had been stood up.

You were starting to get more and more nervous, what were you supposed to do if you did not have a partner for the opening of the dance? It was tradition, not complying would bring shame to your school, and your good reputation and popularity would crumble to pieces just as soon as it had begun.

A menacing group of Slytherin boys stepped in front of you, you quickly recognised them as the ones Tom usually hung around.

"Haven't you heard? Lament's got all the bones in his body broken after an accident in the quidditch arena this morning"

You had to audibly gasp,

"Poor Neil won't get to play Quidditch for a while, it's a real shame isn't it?" Another boy you only knew as Avery snickered, and they all laughed even louder.

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