Part 6 - The Forest

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You were even at last, now that you both had won each your task. It was a strange sensation, the moment you had uncovered the final clue; the golden key, and then claimed it for yourself. The praise and the favouritism you encountered felt utterly intoxicating, so much so that you almost forgot about what had happened with Tom Riddle in the astronomy tower, in your drunken splendour.

Thinking back, the aftermath was covered in thick cigar smoke and celebrations. With Terrence drowning his jealousy with liquor and latching onto your arm as if he then thought he'd only bask in your glory for a little longer. It felt bizarre to be so loved, after initially being declared the weakest contestant in the tournament. Now everyone knew your name, and with your impressive streak of success so far, the final victory felt so much closer than ever before.

In between the waves of euphoria and confusion, the events in the astronomy tower flashed before your eyes like silent cinema. Tom stumbling back the second the boggart was unleashed from the golden egg, when it took the shape of himself – but completely lifelessly fell to the floor, he had lost it completely, unable to see the mirage for what it truly was.

You shuddered, to see someone as calm and collected as him be so vulnerable had frightened you even more than your own boggart. But then, after you had banished it, he had ungratefully attempted to hex you yet again.

15th June 1945

Your eyes were slipping close, each time they grew heavier it took longer for you to wake back up. Before you laid the golden key atop of a small tower of books, books which you had studied thoroughly in order to prepare for the final task. It had been a whole month since you had encountered Tom, despite how you had kept a look out for him around the school grounds. You were starting to believe the events of the previous task had taken such a toll on his ego, that he simply could not show himself until it was time yet again.

You could not stop thinking of him, the way he had crumbled to the floor and lashed out on you rather than to accept your help. Perhaps now at last, Tom Riddle was no longer such an intriguing mystery anymore. It was clear he was just another damaged, frightened little boy. Thus, you had somehow lost an interest in Terrence as well, knowing that this game of jealousy had ended at last.

You felt a cold wind brush against you, as your eyes had slipped closed yet again from the exhaustion. The library was completely dark, apart from the single lantern you had brought with you. It flickered again, and you startled yourself awake, seeing a shadowy figure stand before you, inspecting the golden key in his hands.

You got up from your chair and rubbed your tired eyes. Looking at him with a frown, you awaited whatever way he'd choose to intrigue you next, but he did not say anything.

"I'm not going to offer you any hints, I reckon we're even now..." you began, while trying to decipher his empty expression, his eyes moved from the key to you.

"Are you really sure about that? Unlike you, I was never in any mortal danger" he retorted, still studying the key in the light of the lantern.

"For Merlin's sake Tom, had I not banished the boggart you'd have cowered in fear all night"

His nose wrinkled disdainfully at your remark, and you sighed as you continued just as harshly,

"If anything, your reputation was in mortal danger, I've never seen anything quite as pathetic"

You heard the sound of the golden key fall against the floor as he suddenly moved closer, once again having you there, mere inches away from his face in brutish intensity. You did not flinch at all, instead looking right back him with a raised brow.

"I'm not afraid of you..." you stated calmly, as you felt his warm breath so close.

"-But you should be afraid of me!" you fumed, and the light from your wand lit up the library in a bright blue flash. Several library books came flying down the shelves, propelling towards him at high velocity. You managed to slip away as he turned to face the malevolent books, and gave his wand an elegant flick.

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