Chapter 2

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The next morning Deena and Josh go to school on their bikes, both of them a little out of breath when they arrive.

Deena is struggling with the bicycle locks when Kate arrives and goes over to her.

"What the hell is going on here?" Asks the short brunette with a frown on her face.

"Hello to you too." Says sarcastically Deena.

"Sorry I'm just a little confused. Where's your car?" Asks Kate looking around trying to find it.

"It broke down yesterday when I was going home from work. I'm going to call a car mechanic after school." Explains Deena. "Also, you won't believe who found me and took me home." She rolls her eyes because even thinking about last night makes her want to throw up.

"I assume it was someone you don't really like?" Questions Kate after she saw Deena's expression.

"Samantha Fraser." Reveals the brunette

"Oh god you killed her, didn't you?" Jokes Kate because she knows how much Deena dislikes Sam.

"Believe me, I really wanted to." Chuckles Deena.

Before they can talk more about last night Simon arrives with a big smile on his face.

"What's up ladies?" The boy throws his arms around the girls shoulders and they start to head inside the building.

"Samantha Fraser took Deena home yesterday." Says Kate with a grin.

"You hate that bitch! How did that happen?" Questions Simon confused.

"My car broke down and she found me walking home." Explains the situation Deena.

"So where did you hide the body?" Asks jockingly the boy.

"We just argued a bit but it's whatever, I will never have to deal with her again." Shrugs the brunette.

"Argued? About what?" Asks confused the shorter girl.

"She tried to make small talk but I snapped at her and told her that it's useless to pretend and act nice and she was confused about why I hate her so much."

"You have every right to hate her." Kate's voice is laced with annoyance. "What her parents did was a pretty shit thing to do."

Deena nods in agreement and with that their conversion about the Fraser family ends.

The day goes by pretty quickly and after school she gets on her bike and goes to the same spot where she left her car yesterday.

She calls a car mechanic and when a man in his forties shows up and tells her that she needs to repair one of the most expensive part of the car her jaw drops.

"It costs $190?" Asks Deena shocked.

"I'm sorry but with the shipping and other things...yes." Says the man.

"I have to take the car with me, contact me if you have the money." The man gives a card to Deena with his phone number on it then leaves and takes the brunette's car with him.

Deena sighs knowing that she won't be getting her car back soon considering that she doesn't have the money for it.

She doesn't have to work today so she gets on her bike and goes home. When she gets there she sees the person she least expected to find there.


"What are you doing here?" She asks the blonde girl who nervously stands in front of the brunette's house. She tries to keep her voice emotionless so they don't end up fighting like yesterday.

"I wanted to...uhm talk to you." States the uptight blonde.

"Okay..." Deena places the bike next to the house's porch than walks over to Sam. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Uhm..." Starts Sam while Deena raises an eyebrow, telling her to continue. "You are a lesbian, right?"

"What?!" She raises her voice already knowing that this must be some sick joke that Sam and her friends come up with because of the things she said to her yesterday.

Pretty much everyone knows in this town that Deena is into girls and she gets bullied a lot about it and she knows why the blonde is here. To do exactly the same thing everyone does in this town, call her sick and make fun of her.

"I can't deal with this today." Deena turns around ready to go inside the house before a hand grabs her own and pulls her back.

"I am one too! I mean... I'm into girls too." Sam's shaking voice causes her to turn around and look into the blonde's blue eyes.

Deena never seen her this vulnerable before. Seeing Sam in this state almost makes her want to believe her.

"Yeah, right. Don't mess with me Sam." Says Deena seriously.

"I'm not messing with you, okay? I'm here because I want to ask for a favour. It would be a deal actually. Between you and me."

"A deal? What kind of deal are you talking about?" Asks the brunette, now curious.

"Okay so uhm... I came out to my family about a month ago and ever since then my mother wants to set me up with boys and saying that it's just a phase and I want to show her that it isn't. So I- I thought that we could you know...fake it. Fake that we are together, only just for a few months so she would believe me." Sam is almost shaking at this point, looking at Deena and trying to read her and figure out what she thinks about it but she can't. The brunette is just standing there, a shocked expression on her face.

"I- uhm you want me to pretend that I'm your girlfriend so your family would believe that you like girls? And what about school? You want to come out to everyone there also? And why me? Your family hates me." Deena has a million questions so she just asks them as soon as they come to her mind.

"Some people already know at school and I don't really care about people's opinions anyone." The blue eyed girl says, answering each question as best as she could. "And firstly you are the only came out, available gay girl around my age. And I know what happened between your family and mine and I'm sorry for that but this way it would piss off my mom even more if it's you I am with."

"And what would I get from this?" It's been the first question that came to her mind ever since they started the conversation but she was just too afraid to ask it. What can Samantha Fraser give to her?

"Whatever you want." Came the quick reply. "I'll pay you. A lot."

Extra money doesn't sound so bad, considering that she needs to buy that expensive part for her car.

"Give me a day to think about it." She finally says.

"Yeah, of course." And with that, Sam leaves.

Thanks for reading and please let me know if you liked it <3

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