Chapter 6

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Lunch is awkward.

Deena and her friends were already sitting at their table for a few minutes before Sam entered the cafeteria, looking for them.

Sam slowly approaches their table, offering everyone a smile which is returned by Simon and Deena but Kate doesn't even bother to look up.

"Hey." Sam awkwardly greets them first after sitting down next to Deena.

"Hi Samantha." Simon happily says, trying to enjoy lunch with their new company. Simon is always the one who gets them out of embarrassing situations with his lame jokes and wide smile and Deena is really grateful for that right now.

"Call me Sam." The blonde girl offers slightly smiling.

"So are in the cheerleading squad, right?" Simon asks before taking a big bite out of his sandwich.

"Yeah, since last year." Sam causally answers.

"That's great! Kate's the captain! See, you guys have already one thing in common!" Simon looks at Kate with a grin on his face which quickly disappears when Kate kicks him under the table.

"Yeah." Sam uncomfortably smiles because she can clearly see that Kate doesn't really like her and doesn't want to put any effort into getting to know her.

After that they eat in silence, no one really knowing what to say, even Simon is helpless to come up with a topic that would bond the group together.

Kate is the first one to leave the table after eating her lunch. She says she has to talk to one of her teacher before class which is a lie and they all know that. She just wanted to get away from them.

Simon goes after Kate, saying that he has to borrow a book from the girl which is another lie but Sam is thankful that she stayed with Deena, this gives them a chance to talk.

"That was awkward." Sam chuckles trying to light the mood.

"I'm sorry. I tried talking to them but Kate-" Deena starts but she is cut off by Sam.

"No, I'm sorry. This whole thing was my idea and I didn't want to cause trouble. It's okay if we won't sit together anymore, I don't want to make you guys uncomfortable." Sam says and Deena is really surprised by Sam's behaviour.

She always assumed that Sam is selfish and rude because that's how it feels to see the girl from the outside. Hanging out with her perfect little group, laughing at the poor and lame kids but no Sam is actually kind towards her. Maybe it won't last long or it's just an act but it still makes Deena think about why she's like this.

"No, I agreed to this and she should understand. I will try to talk to her again." Deena states looking Sam in the eye.

"Uhm, I wanted to ask you something." Deena starts again and Sam nods, motioning for her to continue.

"Can you take me to work after school today? It's about 10 minutes away."

"Of course, meet me outside after classes." Sam smiles then stands up.

"Thanks." The brunette smiles back.

"Bye Deena." Sam waves, walking away.

Deena stands up too and walks out of the cafeteria. She's hoping to find Kate to talk to her before class starts, they have a lot to talk about.

She spots Kate, standing next to her at her own locker talking with Simon. Kate looks annoyed and Simon is a little frustrated.

"Can we talk?" Deena asks desperately. Yes, she needs the money but she needs her friends more. She can't lose them and if Kate isn't okay with any of these then she will cut off her deal with Sam or at least will try to keep her friends out of it.

And Kate sees it. She sees that Deena didn't ask for any of this but she's trying. She's trying to be a good friend and she's also trying to take care of herself and Josh and it's tearing her apart.

So she nods and follows Deena into an empty bathroom.

"I'm sorry, Kate." Deena turns to the shorter girl and offers a smile. "I didn't know that it would be that uncomfortable for you. I don't ever want to make you feel like you are left out, like you don't matter. Because you do and I shouldn't have force this on you guys. I know that it's my problem and I shouldn't stir you and Simon into this mess."

"I'm sorry too. I should have tried harder. If it's your problem than it's my problem also and I want to help you, it's just that...she acts so nice around you and she was so kind to Simon and I know that it's not the real her. It's just an act." Kate says softly but you can see the rage in her eyes. "And I saw the way you looked at her. I don't want you to get hurt, Deena. You forgot so quickly what her family did to you."

"No I haven't forgot it, believe me. I don't like her...I mean that's not the reason I'm nice to her. It's just that maybe if I'm nice than she will, you me." Tries to explain Deena as beautifully as possible. "But I could never like her back, ever."

"So you're saying that you want Sam to like you just so you can reject her?" Kate tries to piece together the information Deena has just given her.

"Yeah?" Deena asks back, unsure, trying to see what Kate thinks about all of this. Maybe she will think that Deena is a horrible person for wanting that even though Sam obviously deserves it.

"I don't know Deena...aren't you scared? Sam seems like a person who would get back at you and the things she can do...she could hurt you, badly." Kate really surprised Deena with her answer. She didn't think about that before.

"I'm not scared of her. And it wouldn't be my fault if she thought I liked her, it would be just her imagination." Deena shrugs.

"Just be careful, okay?" Kate says concerned.

"I will be, don't worry." Deena smiles and right after that the bell rings so they exit the bathroom and part ways to go to their classes.

The next chapter will be full of Sameena, don't worry :)

Let me know what you think about this story so far. Seeing your comments make me so happy guys, thank you for all the support!

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