Chapter 3

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"She said what?" Kate shrieks when she hears about Sam's and Deena's conversation the next morning.

"Yeah the whole thing was really strange and I'm not completely sure if I trust her but I think I will do it." Says Deena as they walk through the school's hallways.

"For real?" Asks Simon confused, because why would Deena agree to something like this?

"I really need the money guys and the Fraser's are rich." Deena isn't sure if she can tell all of this to her friends but she also doesn't care, she won't participate if she has to lie to them.

"Yeah but they're also assholes! What if this is just some kind of sick game?" Kate continues, not dropping the topic.

"I thought about that too but she sounded sincere."

The smaller girl doesn't say anything just rolls her eyes at that. They come to a stop in front of Deena's classroom and they say goodbye.

They don't have any classes together so they won't see each other until lunch and Deena is so thankful when that time comes around because going through the day without Kate and Simon is hell.

"Look who's watching you." Simon pokes Deena after she sits down next to her friends at the cafeteria, trying to get the girl's attention.

And Deena knows before even looking up. She follows Simon's gaze and she is met with blue eyes looking straight back at her.

When Sam realized she was caught she quickly looks away from Deena and joins the conversation that was going on around her table.

"I'm going to talk to her today..." Deena starts, looking down. "you know... about the-"

"Fake dating thing?" Asks Kate judgmentally.

"It's not a big deal." Shrugs Deena.

"Yeah, it is." Speaks up Simon.

"Not you too." Rolls her eyes the frustrated brunette.

"I'm just saying that you should think this through." Says the boy defensively.

"I did, okay? We need each others help whether I like it or not." This makes both of her friends drop the topic.

After that Simon starts to talk about the crazy girl in his math class which Deena is thankful for. She really needs a break from all this Sam thing and it's good to just enjoy her friends company.

But it doesn't last long because as soon as her eyes caught Sam walking out of the cafeteria alone, she is reminded that she still needs to talk to the blonde girl.

So she says bye to her friends and goes after Sam who she finds at the bathroom.

"Hi." Greets her Deena after she closed the bathroom door.

"H-hey." Sam jumps a little not expecting Deena to come after her.

"I wanted to talk to you about the know, fake dating thing..." Sam nods, motioning for her to continue.

"I'm in." Deena confidently finishes.

"Really?" Sam's eyes widen, clearly surprised that the brunette would take part in it that easily.

"Yeah but you have to pay me and take me and my brother to school everyday." Deena states, looking straight into Sam's eyes, challenging her to disagree.

"Yeah, okay, I can do that."

After that there's a few seconds of silence, just the two girls looking at each other, realizing that they're are really going to do it. They have no idea if it will really work out but it has to for their different personal reasons.

But what Sam doesn't know is that Deena doesn't do it just for the money. No, she's doing it to get revenge on the Fraser's family and it's not enough for her to just piss of Sam's mom by dating her daughter. She wants something else. She wants to get close to the blonde girl, she wants to make Sam fall in love with her then she's going to break her heart and leave her. That's what she wants because Sam is just another popular rich girl who doesn't care about anyone other than herself, just like her mother.

"So how about you come over today? We have a lot to talk about." Says Deena, already turning away from Sam, opening the bathroom door.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Replies Sam and Deena nods and walks out.

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