Chapter 25: It;s complicated

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Kate’s POV

We get ready

James POV

This year, there are 2 male solos, 2 female solos, 1 duet, and 1 4 person group dance


I and Eldon have the solos

Michelle and Riley have the female solos

Sarah and Ryland have the duet

The 4 person dance is our alternates

Noah’s POV

It is hard working with 2 people from a different team, I mean; they are our rivals, why would we even dance with them

Kyra: so I will do 3 flips to the side, Noah do u wanna slide under my legs

Uh Okay               I say

Okay it is hard because I have feelings for Kyra

Kyra: Okay, I have feelings for you

Me, Me too I say

We kiss

Richelle’s POV

I walk into the music room, for J troupe auditions, as I look at Noah and Kyra kiss, I really love Noah, what do I DO?

I RUN OFF, Hopefully Noah did not see that

Kate’s POV

It is a few days until Internationals, everything is great

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