Chap 7 : Logans party pt 2

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The party was alright I mean I don't really like social events or anything like that but than again I haven't been to a nice one or just a party in awhile , I mean I got to eat some yummy food and I got to meet new people and some different people held me it was weird but I liked Jason he was nice but I wanted to go home I was tired and papa and daddy wouldn't let me go so sleep
"Dadaaa" I say with a whine we were still at this damn party and daddy was holding me and I couldn't see papa around
"What is it baby boy hm?" Daddy asked bouncing me in his arms while talking to other people here
"Papaaaaa" I just whined more
"You wanna go find papa?" Daddy asked I just lay my head on his shoulder pouting
"Papaa" I whined again
"Okay okay let's go find papa" daddy said walking around until he spotted papa
"There's my little Leo!" Papa said happily as daddy passed me onto him
"Papaaa sweep" I pouted as tears started to gather in my eyes
"I'm sorry baby we should get going now huh"papa said rocking me
Papa and daddy said their goodbyes to their friends and Logan and Jason came over to say bye to
"Bye bye baby!" Logan said waving at me with a toothie smile
"Can you wave bye to Logan Leo?"papa said while picking up my hand which I quickly snatched away emitting a loud whine and hiding in papas neck
"Sorry Logan Leo's very tired he missed his nap" papa said to Logan
"Dat okay!" Logan said , I'm not sure how he has so much energy
"Well it was good seeing you guys especially meeting Leo , I hope you guys come over more Logan seems to adore Leo" Jason said hugging daddy and papa good bye
"Of course we're glad Leo is fond of you next time you guys can see him when he's not so grumpy" papa said while patting my bottom
"Haha well let me walk you guys out , thank you for coming right Logan?" Jason said looking down at the toddler
"Yeah! Tank youu fo da gifts to!"Logan said then running off to go play
Jason walked us out and said we should come over more and blah blah blah while we were heading home I couldn't fall asleep in my care seat and I was getting really worked up about it
"Papaa sweeeppp!!" I squirmed and whined and kicked
"I know baby I know we're almost home then you can have a bottle and lay down" papa said in a soothing tone
But I was not having it I started to kick and cry and scream I wanted to sleep I was tired
"Leo I know your tired but that's not gonna help please try and calm down we're pulling up to our house now baby" daddy said as we pulled in the driveway
I listened that time I was also super exhausted and wanted to sleep
Papa took me out of my car seat and shush and rocked me while going into our house
"Dada and papa are very sorry baby we should have listened earlier" papa apologize while he took me upstairs
Yeah he should be sorry ! I'm tired ! And uhh I don't know I'm just exhausted but I forgive him I know he didn't mean it in a hurtful way
Papa layed me on the changing table as he took of my bunny onesie and socks and changed my diaper and put me in a grey footie onesie
He picked me up and sat in the rocking chair running his hands through my hair as I hear the door open
"Look baby dada made you a bottle" papa said as daddy handed papa the bottle giving me a kiss on my forehead then leaving the room
"Baba" I say sleepily
"Yes baba" papa repeated as he put the nipple in my mouth as I instantly started to nurse on the bottle
After 4 minutes I finished the bottle papa made quick work of burping me and giving me my paci and laying me down in my crib with a soft blanket being layed on me
And I quickly drifted to sleep

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