Parker 17

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We watched mom as she thought it through.

Her and Paul had gone into the next room to discuss the issue.

I remembered that we also needed to get Zeus involved so that mom could get into camp.

Thinking of Zeus made me wonder how that team was doing, then how the Poseidon team was doing.

That was the thing.

Peter or could have gone with Jason and the others to see dad. And Thalia or Jason could have gone to see Zeus. I had no idea why Luke had made it so that no child was actually seeing their parent at the moment.

Nico, Bianca, Piper and Zoë had gone to Olympus.

Jason, Thalia, Frank and Leo had gone to see Poseidon.

I just didn't understand it.

Why split it so parent and child didn't meet.

I had tried to question Luke about it, but he had turned around and headed into the forest, without a word to anyone.

I just didn't understand.

Mom kept looking at Peter and me, as we ate more of the blue birthday cake.

She had tears in her eyes.

I barely knew the woman, she might have given birth to me, but because of the kidnapping and all I had grown up not even knowing I had a mother.

Even though I barely knew her I hated to see her cry.

Percy used to tell me mom was strong up to a certain part. It took a lot for her to show her true emotions. Percy disappearing for eight months was good enough. I'm guessing her two lost boys returning alive and safe then giving her the news about the third lost boy being close to death would make the cut as well.

Percy said that he used to hold back certain facts and events so that she wouldn't worry to much.

I wasn't good at lying, and Percy always knew if something was wrong and wouldn't let up until we told him what it was. So I wasn't used to hold back information.

She looked at us again, I saw the tears running down her face.

From what Percy told me, she was going to do it, this was just a talk to settle her nerves of all that has happened so suddenly.

I would need that to.

When I found out about Percy I wanted to hide in a broom closet for the rest of my life. Scared that it was all just a dream and that I would be punished for running away.

Well they did tried to catch us and punish us, along with Percy, that was the first time I saw the extent of Percy's power and status.

The traders shrunk back in fear the moment he had taken off his hood.

They called him some things I couldn't understand. Before Percy all I knew how to say was, 'Parker', 'Peter', 'clean', and 'idiot'. And none of it was even in English.

Mom sat down in the fluffy couch as the tears ran down her cheek.

I wanted so much to make her feel better, to tell her that everything would work out.

There were just two things wrong with that.

1) wasn't that her job

2)I couldn't promise that at all

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