Frank 20

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I watched to see what Theseus's reaction would be.

To be honest I was waiting for a hurricane followed by a Tsunami.

Theseus eyed Thalia suspiciously. She just looked back at him. Her face impassive.

"I can tell you believe what you're saying is the truth, but I find it hard to believe anyway. Percy has been dead for two years. If he was alive on this planet my father would have found him long ago."

There was a silence between the four of us. How the heck do you tell a story that you don't understand yourself.

"That's the thing," Leo began.

I gave Jason a terrified look.

"Percy hasn't exactly been on this planet."

Theseus turned to him. He didn't say and word but he didn't have to. This guy was scary no matter how you looked at it.

"Then, I ask you, what planet has he been on?"


I know for a fact I saw lightning flash through Theseus's eyes.

"You will have me believe."

The sea started to churn.

"That my brother."

The sky darkened considerably.

"Left his home."

The wind picked up.

"And joined Chaos."

Thunder roared all around us.

The boat was tipping and turning.

Theseus just stood there glaring at us. His eyes no longer sea green but storm gray.

I wondered if the triplets could do that.

Wait! The triplets!

"He came back wit his two brothers!" I yelled over the storm.

Theseus looked shocked and storm froze mid gust. Our boat was frozen half way on a wave, half way in the air.

Theseus's eyes turned back to sea green, and his face turned suspicious but hopeful.

"What do you know of Percy's two brothers?" he asked.

He was looking directly at me.

I gulped, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.

Theseus was getting impatient.

"One of their names is Peter the other Parker. They're Percy's two triplet brothers, and they all look exactly alike. Peter and Parker were taken from Sally Jackson when the three of them were born. They were thought to be dead and Percy never knew anything about them before he left earth," I said hurriedly, hoping I wasn't getting us into deeper trouble.

Theseus looked sidelong at me. The storm blew away with a gentle breeze.

"What you say is the truth, meaning you are telling the truth. But what you want from my father I still do not know."

He was still looking at me.

I swallowed.

Now what?

I had no idea exactly what we need from Poseidon. That was Thalia's department.

"Percy's in trouble and we have information saying that Poseidon might be able to help," I stuck to what I knew.

Theseus straightened.

He looked at me for a long while.

"You first."


His eyes narrowed.

"I trust you and only you at the moment. You are the only one I will allow to see my father."

"That's not fair!" Leo exclaimed.

A column of water shot up and hit Leo in the face, knocking him out of the boat.

Theseus hadn't even flinched.

"Now why don't you use that wonderful gift from my father and follow me?"

With that he sunk into the water.

I looked at Thalia, who nodded.

This was no time to waste.

I jumped into the water and turned into a dolphin, I had spoken to one earlier.

Theseus was waiting for me about six feet under water.

That is not a good choice where we're going.

I almost jumped back out of the water. The only person who'd ever spoken to me in my head was Percy back in Atlanta.

What do you mean?

We are going deep, and you won't have a chance to come back up for air.

I thought for a moment.

I looked around for inspiration.

Why not try a sting ray?

That was a great idea.

With that my body flattened and grew.

Theseus nodded then flipped his tail and dove deeper into the water.

As I followed I wondered if Percy also had a tail under water. He didn't in Alaska.

Percy could have a tail, he just chose not to. Took to long getting in and out of water. But a tail is much better for long distance swimming.

Well that was new information. When Percy woke up I would have to try to convince him to show me his tail.

What do you mean by wake up?

Are you reading my mind?

No you just haven't been in the ocean enough to block your mind. Your thoughts are echoing all around us.


I had caught up to Theseus and I almost saw him smile.

You haven't answered my question.

It's kinda a long story.

We have time.

I don't know all the details.

Tell me what you know.

I sighed. No getting out of this.

Heroes of Chaos 2: Restarting the StoryWhere stories live. Discover now