Chapter 6

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Voldemort was currently in his office going over papers from the raids. He had his followers submit reports of what they'd seen in the muggle experimentation building that they had just preformed a raid on.

He was only doing this because of the delicacy of the situation, muggles testing on wizards, magical creatures and demons. Demons of all things.

Voldemort cursed silently, he had Bellatrix order house elves to get rooms ready for the demon and half demon-Harry Potter. He couldn't get it wrapped around his head how the wizarding child had gotten into the hands of muggles, but that was probably a question for Albus Dumbledore.

The reports that had been given to him mostly described the exact same things as the last. If Voldemort didn't know any better he would say that they were copying each other.

Voldemort rubbed a hand over his face pulling down the way, in a hopeless effort to keep himself from falling asleep. He would have to go to bed sometime or other.

'Fuck this'. The man stood up and walked out of his study, making sure to replace the wards that surrounded the room. He wouldn't have curious or bold individuals going in and snooping around the place.


Azazel watched over the small one as he slept. The demon didn't feel comfortable in the new environment, and he most definitely didn't trust them with Experiment 15–Harry Potter's life.

He had done some research on this 'Harry Potter'. Azazel was confused. Lord Voldemort was the man who liberated them from the traps of the humans. That didn't seem like the way criminals worked - saving them, clothing them, feeding them, giving them shelter and cleanliness. Unless it's a manipulation ploy.
Azazel didn't care which, but he would protect his half-blooded friend.

Maybe he should stop being so paranoid, they could just leave as soon as they found out about the ploy, he was a demon after all, and he could shadow travel. He was almost certain that this... Harry Potter could as well.

It felt weird calling the half blood such an ill fitting name. It didn't do anything for his powers, or status in the demonic world. Such a child with powers like his, is as close to a demon lord as you could get. Both himself and Harry were Druids.

Druids are people born of demon decent. Azazel frowned, for Harry to have gotten such a high rank, especially for a half blood means that the boy had demon decent.

The only problem was, children born between mortals and Demons were killed. The order went out to have them all killed centuries ago, that means that they missed people. Though that should be fine since the blood would be so diluted by now.

He was glad he wouldn't have to report it. That was one thing that would send the entire demon race into havoc. Well, more than it already is.


Harry... no he was Experiment 15. The name "Harry" felt foreign on his tongue. But everyone here seemed to call him that.

He could only barely remember his Uncle; whose not a very nice man. He refused to believe that his fat pig of an uncle ever said his name.

The fifteen year old sighed as he pulled himself up, out of his bed. He really couldn't be bothered, it was just nice to sleep somewhere soft, weird even. But nice. He wasn't cold, nor was he sore. This was probably the best thing that had ever had to him.

He wouldn't give this up. Everyone is nice to him here even going as far as to let him wait until he's planning to use him. Then he'd flee; maybe he would bring Azazel with him.

Yeah he would.

A/n - I want to decide on a ship for this book.

So far I'm thinking of:
Azazel x Harry x Tom

If you have any other suggestions comment them or pm me.

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