Chapter 2:

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I scanned my surrounding and noticed that I was in a completely different place, totally not the dungeon of the castle. I turned around and saw the wall.

"If I fall backwards...doesn't that means I should have landed against i- huh?" I put my hands against the wall and saw that they went right threw it.

"A....a spell?" Never mind that, I'm in a unknown place, hidden in the castle where not even luka has told me about and I doubt someone else know about it. Maybe the noise comes from here...hmm...only one way to find out. I decided to explore the place more but carefully cause you never know what might surprise you. It was weird, every sound that guide me here had stopped, only the dead silence remain.


"What the-?!" I turned around to see that a bunch of stuff have fallen to the spot where I was standing. I smirk and let out a small laugh. Well, now I know that the thing that is producing dark magic is here and that it sucks at trying to murder me. Anyways, no need to let you're guard down. I kept walking, scanning everything till I stopped in front of a door of steel. I can tell it must be like a hundred years old since its all rusty but what was weird is that it had a lock and the lock was in perfect condition; no rust or sign of damage that said it's old. It looked like someone put it recently or something.

"No biggie" I stepped back and pulled my sword out. I raised it and dash it down with all my strength.


I heard the sound of the sword impacting the metal and quickly opened my eyes.

"What the heavens?!" The lock was intact! Not even a single scratch! LITERALLY! I huffed and pulled out a small book that I had in a little bag. I opened the book to a specific page and extended my right arm pointing at the lock.

"Fire blaze!" Spoken those words, I activated a spell, as my arm heat up and shot fire directly at the lock.

"Hmp, that'll work" the smoke finally vanished revealing a-UNHARMED LOCK?!?!? Okay! Now I'm pissed! Someone is playing tricks on me....unless...

"Hmm..." I bend down and glared at the perfect conditions lock. If they used a dark spell to do that illution of the fake wall....could it be that....

I step back from the lock and pulled my sword again.

"No shadow shall left behind....I'll do what it's right, cuz I am the light!" I raised my sword as it activated the sword of light. No darkness can stand this. Suddenly all the room was blind by the light and when it vanished the lock was gone.

"So it was dark magic after all..." I smirk and slowly opened the door.

"Huh?" This looks like...a abounded prison. There was a long hallway that I couldn't see the end of it because there wasn't any light. The place looked very old, everything was trashed, dirt and dust everywhere and the place smelled weird. Some of the prison bars were open and some were closed with nothing but rusty chains and dirty beds all upside down.

"This place gives me the creeps" I sighed in dislike and kept walking deep in the dark hallway with my glow stone.

"Come closer~....." I turned around and quickly pulled my sword out but to my surprise no one was there. The voice was like a drowsy whisper but it wasn't a deep voice. I kept walking without letting my guard down and stopped in front of another steel door but this one had a lot of chains and a recognizable lock. No, not the one from before. The lock was golden with no sign of rust as well as the chains. The key hole was very familiar to me and that's when I noticed. I pulled out a necklace that had a key attached to it. My mother gave it to me before she died when I was little. She told me to protect it very well cuz it would be the change of a new world. I still didn't get that part and I probably won't either. I put the key in the lock turn it.


I stopped my breathing for a second and a bunch of questions came to my head. Could my mother had given me this key to open this door? What could possibly be there to be the change of a new world? Is Luka aware of this? Or could all of this be pure coincidence? No, this key couldn't had fit here for pure coincidence. I pushed my thoughts away and slowly opened the door revealing a dark room.

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