story 3

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Running. Everybody is running. Crystal ran with them, trying to escape the oppressing void of data. Kik had an update, but the update had spyware. Now everything is falling apart. Every chat ever made was disappearing one by one. Its a good thing Crystal had the old kik on her tablet, but she didn't know the fate of everyone else's accounts. Blade had tried to counteract the spyware by wiping kik's cache and putting up a firewall, but it did nothing to stop the virus that was rapidly spreading through the chat. Suddenly Bolt tripped over a bag of tea he had dropped, he grabbed it before they started running.

"Bolt!" Minty turned to Bolt, only to have Zach drag her onwards.

"Minty, No! You'll die!" Zach's voice echoed through the emptying chat. Ringing in Crystal's ears.

Tears welled up in Minty's eyes as the spyware turned Bolt and his bag of tea into corrupted data. Bolt's scream was the last thing that ever escaped his lips.

"Keep running. There is nothing we can do right now!" Shadow called over her shoulder.

Crystal glanced over at Arsy, only to see Arsy's blank expression. Arsy was fast, but she didn't really want to run anymore. Angi had left the chat seconds before the spyware was installed. But Arsy didn't really want to go without her. Glancing over at Zach, Crystal saw him dragging a sad Minty. Zach wasn't really too focused on anything except Minty's saftey. Next Crystal glanced at Stephan, He was probably the only one screaming at the moment. He started panicking when we started running. Finally, Crystal glances at Blade, who wasn't very fast but managed to run just behind Stephan. Blade had her phone in her hand, programming things as she ran, trying to stop the spyware.

"Dead end ahead!" Crystal shouted, they had reached the end of the chat. Nowhere left to run. The group stopped as they reached the wall in front of them. No way out.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. What do we do? We're gonna die!"

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