Dare for the Greens (13)

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Ask for the family: 3 questions (hope it’s not a bother) 1: I want you guys to look on the Internet and search “Big city Greens!”

"How do you even use the internet to look something up?" Cricket asked.

"I got it, don't worry." Remy replied.

Remy grabbed a laptop and turned over to Google.

"Wait, we can look ourselves up?" Tilly asked.

"Yeah, if your famous enough." Remy replied.

(Lol, spoken like a true best BCG Character)

"Well, why don't we answer the other Questions while we wait for Remy to find us?" Cricket asked.

What would you think if you guys had a movie?

"A Movie?! Yes, Please! I'll direct it! It'll have EXPLOSIONS! And MAJOR PLOT TWISTS!" Cricket cheered.

"Brother, why must our movie be brutal?" Tilly asked.

"Uh, because it would be AWESOME!" Cricket cheered.

"Hey, look at all these results!" Remy said.

They all looked into the laptop.

"Hey, look! Fanart!" Tilly cheered.

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