Dare for Cricket (8)

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But what if she doesn't get better?????!!! What's going on with her??? I dare one of the greens who's really good at sneaking to spy on her!! And don't get caught!!!! This is making me worry!!!

"Sneaky time!" Cricket cheered.

Cricket put on a mask, and tip-toed over to his and Tilly's room.
He slowly grabbed the door, and creaked it open slowly.

"I should make my on theme song... I REALLY should." Cricket thought to himself.

He successfully got inside the room, and crawled under the bunkbed.

"Alrighty... now, I'm just gonna peek up and see how Tilly's doin'..." Cricket said.

Cricket started to peek over the bed, but was stopped by Tilly, who coughed loudly.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

"So... Much... Pain..." Tilly muttered.

Cricket was able to get a glimpse of Tilly. She just clutched her side as she shed tears.

"Oh no..." Cricket said, quickly making his escape out of the room.

Cricket made it out of the room with no problems, and blocked the door with his back.

"I think I know what's wrong with her!" Cricket said.

Cricket rushed out to the living room, passing his parents, who were kids.
He stopped to stare at them.

"...Ok." He said, before rushing back off.

He made it outside, where he made it to the garage. He opened the garage door, and started to throw things out of a certain box.

"I remember! Remy gave me a book last month. He had the exact same symptoms Tilly has!" Cricket said.

He threw out a few old books, and some old tools, before finding the book he needed.
He smiled in relief, then opened the book. He flipped through a few pages, before finding the right one.

"Appendicitis! THAT'S what she has! I need to go tell the others!" Cricket said.

Cricket rushed off into the house, off to tell the others.

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