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I wake up to my phone ringing . I grab it and see it's my brother . "Hello" I answer "where are you Lani" he ask "huh" I ask "you're late" he adds and I look at the time . It's 11:01 "holy shii" I panic "uh yeah , you missed half the school day" he says "I'm gonna get ready and I'll get there" I hang up and run into Ella's room "GIRL WE ARE LATE"

She wakes up "it's 11:00" I scream "no way" she sits up "yes way" I nod "I knew I should have left Nelson's earlier" she whines "I'm gonna go get ready" I race back into my room.

Ella and I run into the building and to our lockers "I gotta get to math" I tell her "I'm French , hate it" I hug her and we say our goodbyes. I race down the hall and open the math door "well Leilani it's nice of you to join us" she says and I sigh "I'm sorry" I apologize "Try to be on time" she says.

I nod before sitting next to some random. I look to my left at Nick looking at me which makes me look away quickly. "Alright class pay attention"

(After class)

I walk into the cafeteria and bump into my brother "hey" he says "hi" I sigh "you doing okay?" He ask "I'm good , just crazy that I was late" I shake my head "go to bed earlier" he says and Taps the top of my head "okay mom and dad" I say "speaking of mom and dad , when's the last time you talked to them" I follow him to his table with his friends "couple days ago" I answer "they said you never call anymore" he tells me "they never answer"

He nods "wrong timing" we reach his table "Leilani" his friends says "hey everyone" I sit down next to Trenton "how you been" one of them ask "good" I answer "anything good today" I ask "same old shii" his friend answers "I'm gonna go get a water or something" I stand up and walk up to all the drinks "hey hey" I hear and just know it's him.

"Nick stop talking to me" I look at the drinks "why" he ask "oh your brother and his friends" he laughs "stop" I demand "why you so worried about him" he ask "because I am" I answer and grab a water "yoo what the fuck" I sigh at the sound of Trents voice

"I know I told you to not talk to my sister again" he says "Trenton get outta here" Nick says "you get outta here talking to my sister and shii" Trenton says "I told your ass to not speak to her" he adds "now you know I don't give a fuck what you say" Nick says "really?" He ask "I don't wanna have to beat your ass here at lunch" my brother says "I dare you" Nick chuckles "stop it now" I push Trent back "just go" I say "you letting him talk to you"

I shake my head "no" I lie "just let me handle my own stuff" he says and he looks at Nick "stay the fuck away from my sister" Trent points at Nick before walking to his table. I walk over to grab my drink "he's upset" Nick says "Shut up" I say "rude" He says "stop doing This in front of him , you doing it on purpose" I say "I know" I can't stand this boy "fuck off Nick"

(After school)

I follow my brother outside "you know Lani if there's something going on with you and Nick , tell me now" he says "really Trent" I ask "why would you think that" I ask "he keeps talking to you" he says "I don't know why" I shrug "I'm tired of seeing him around you" he gets in the car and I get in to "can we wait for Ella" I ask "whatever"

I sigh "listen I can't control what he does" I look over at him "yeah I get that but god I hate him" he grips the steering wheel as I see Ella come out "get in bestie" I say out the window and she gets in "hey Trent" Ella says "hey" he starts driving "you really need to get your own car" He says "I know I'm just scared to drive" I admit "it's not that scary , you'll get a hang of it" he says "just as long no Nick is in it" he says "now why would he be"

He shrugs "oh you tell me" he says "you honestly think something is going on with him and I" I ask "no I'm just questioning you" he says "so stupid" I sit back in the seat "I don't need my baby sister around him" he says "that's the thing I'm not a baby" I tell him "I'm 18 years old , I can do whatever I want" I add "so that means you wanna mess around with Nick" he ask "no!" I say "you are irritating me" I complain

"Ella is there anything going on with her and Nick" he ask "no , not that I know of , I'm pretty sure she would tell me" Ella answers. Perfect answer too. "That's your best friend she'd never tell on you" he says "I'm gonna believe you" he nods and pulls up in front of my house "but I swear Lani if I find out you are lying and you're messing around with him I'm gonna flip the fuck out" he says and I look at him for a couple seconds "okay Trent" I hop out "love you" he says "love you too"

Ella and I walk in our apartment "very intense" Ella says "this is getting really really bad" I sit down as a headache starts to come "Is Nick coming over tonight" Ella ask "probably" I answer "you don't have to do anything tonight with you" she says "I kinda do though" I look at her as I sit down "or is it that you want to" she says "Ella stop" I beg and she giggles "Leilani I'll be upstairs studying"


"Nick stop touching my stuff" I say for the 3rd time "you are like a fuckin child" I say. Every time he comes here he always wants to look around and touch stuff. "Can you chill" he ask "Why do you come over for 10 minutes and then just leave" I ask "I'm waiting on you Lani" he says as he looks at all my jewelry "damn how much this cost" he ask

"More than your life" I answer and he looks at me "very funny" he fake smiles. He sets the bracelet down and comes over to me as I'm seated on my bed. He puts on the side of me on the bed "so is tonight the night" he ask "there never will be a night" I answer "really? Cause if I can remember correctly you almost gave in last night" he says

"I seen how good I was making you feel when I was kissing your neck" he says "I seen it all in your face last night , you almost did it but you fought it off" he says "impressive, never had a girl play so hard to get" he says "don't compare me" I say "I'm not" he says "but once you stop fighting it then you'll realize just how weak and pathetic you really are Leilani" he nods "and gosh I can't wait"

For some reason I love when he talks to me like that. "Then that will the best night of your life then from then on the fun will begin" he says . He places his hand on my cheek "this could be that night , just make one small move lani" he says "get off" I push his hand away "jeez you are a fighter huh?" He ask "that's okay , I got you real close"

I shake my head "and now you'll leave and come back tomorrow to do the same thing you always do" I say "whatever It takes" he smiles "cause one of these days , you are gonna just quit" he grabs his stuff "I would stay but you don't want me to obviously" he opens my door "tomorrow-" I cut him off "same time! Yeah I know" I finish it for him "at least you know"

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