Patch Note • Read me (?)

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I'm not supposed to tell you this, but oh well- Count it as a gift from me to ya

There are total of 50 characters (Not including Ultra Despair Girls)

There are 3 types of ending, Bad End, Good End and True End.

Bad End•
Which usually means the character kills you, and this will make the progress all be restarted, and characters set will change too, but will keep the characters that may be a threat to you.

Unless you have Your Protector item, it'd only restart the day, and keep the character set.

The only character that will never change are Byakuya and Ramu. (Cause plot convenient)

There are 40 Bad Ends.

Good End•
You and that character loves each other, and though they're still a Yandere, but just a bit overprotective, not like they want to kill you-

"But Author! How are we supposed to realize which character wouldn't kill me, and which character will???"

You'll need to notice if that opinion is always about you, if it does change to something random, there's no red flag.

If you keep hanging out with that character, and they will only say something about you all the time even if you're not hanging out with them anymore, that's dangerous.

After obtaining the good ending, it'll reset to day 1 and gives different rotation ^^

Tip: If after a hang out or just talking, if the character suddenly +10 or more stats for love, it's most likely Bad End coming to your way.

Same with stats suddenly just grow but you didn't even talk to them, that's red flag.

I'll put a spoiler for you~
Ramu is one of the Good End :D

There are 10 Good Ends.

True End•
Surviving 30 days without anyone being killed is the goal.

There is 1 True End.

Shattered Feelings (Yandere!Danganronpa x F!Reader) Interactive choices bookWhere stories live. Discover now