1v7 Domination (3)

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Everything was dark. Nothing could be seen. But after his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could make out the borders of his world. He was in a completely enclosed space. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all made of the same material - a smooth stone. Their patterns were identical to the walls of the Uval Cemetery, suggesting that they were made from the same material. He didn't know what was going on, but the feeling of raw, primal fear was definite and tangible. He didn't know what he was scared of, but he was hoping that this hideout would protect him from what was to come.

How long had he been wasting away in this bunker? He did not know. The only thing he knew was that he was being hunted by a very powerful being, and it did not matter how long he was secluded as long as he was safe.

Out of madness, it seemed like he had forgot to prepare enough provisions for himself, and he was currently thirsty and starving. It also seemed like he forgot to secure an exit path, so he was also unable to leave when it was no longer necessary to hide.

And because he was in a small, singular room, it smelled. There was nowhere else to relieve himself but the corner.

However, he wasn't concerned about this. As long as he could shelter himself away from that *thing*, nothing mattered.

Living day in and day out in fear could hardly be called living. At this point, he had lost track of time. Day in? Day out? These terms were meaningless. How much time had passed? It was impossible to tell in what could generously be described as solitary confinement. And due to an indeterminate amount of time passing, his fear had begun to wane.

He sat with his back against the wall, staring at the empty space in front of him.

Though his eyes were looking in the general direction of the wall, he wasn't focused on it. Why would he need to? He had been staring at the same four corners for God knows how long.

His vision would turn blurry, and he would blink. He would blink thousands of times per day and see the same thing for days on end.

However, this time, it was different. He blinked, and a cloaked figure stood before him.

At first, he didn't react. He didn't process what was happening in front of him; his mind was wandering among his seemingly infinite thoughts.

He blinked again, and the figure came into focus. He thought he was hallucinating, but he wasn't. He could definitely *feel* something powerful was before him. Once he realized what was happening, the primal fear that had diminished returned in full force.

Every malnourished muscle in his body tensed up as he tried to push himself backwards. However, there was nowhere to go; his back was literally against the wall.

Along with the fear he felt for this being was an immense pressure that came along with his presence. It was almost as if his brain was telling him he couldn't move at all. No matter how hard he tried, he could only remain in the same locked position against the wall.

He tried to determine the true appearance of this... *thing*, but the cloak that was draped over its body hid all discernable features.

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