First Instance (1-3)

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When she passed through the dungeon entrance, physical connection to the outside world was cut off. She was in her own space - her own "instance", if you will.

This dungeon, unsurprisingly, took place inside of a cave. She thought this dungeon looked fairly ordinary, but there was bound to be something unusual about this place.


There was nothing to do but walk forward.

The cave slowly grew wider the further she progressed. And eventually, it started to slope downwards.

It didn't take her long to realize something was wrong.

*Ah, I don't have a light source.*

The light from outside the cave still illuminated the pathway so far, but the further the cave descended, the less light entered. Eventually, it would be completely dark.

*This might actually be a problem.*

If she didn't have a light source, it didn't matter how good of a player she was. If an attack was silent, it would be impossible to react to it.

*Ah... The struggles of the early game...*

Jisha was used to a Tier 9 body and mind, one that was way more advanced than her current state. Since Tier 9 players were well into the range of superhumans, they would have no problem traversing a cave in a level 10 area even if it was pitch black.

However, she was currently at Tier 0. It was as if there were shackles on her senses - they were close to that of an ordinary human.

While a normal player would undoubtedly be struck by attacks with their sight taken away, Jisha's experience would help her identify attacks with sound. It was highly unlikely that any monsters in a level 10, or even 20 or 30, area would strike silently.

But... experience? How could she simply hear attacks and know how to respond to them?

Let's say there are two people sitting next to each other on a park bench. Both of them are fairly ordinary people. They aren't superhumans, nor are they Olympic gold medalists. However, one of them plays guitar in a band for fun, and one of them is an avid birdwatcher.

The ambience of the birds flying around in the park may seem like gibberish to the band member, but the birdwatcher would be able to identify each one of their calls clearly.

Likewise, a band playing music in the park would just sound like "music" to the birdwatcher, but the guitar player would be able to identify individual chords and techniques of the guitarist.

It wasn't different physiques or brainpower that allowed them to recognize these things. It was simply experience.

*My saving grace right now is that the cave floor is flat...*

However, experience could only take her so far. If the floor and ceiling of the cave were covered in stalactites and stalagmites, travel would be incredibly difficult if not impossible... much less reacting to and dodging attacks.

She was still Tier 0. She couldn't use anything crazy like echolocation. Even the most renowned scientists could only measure a sample with the precision of the instrument they were using.

At this point, the cave had turned completely dark - no light from the outside reached this far down.

The depths of a cave were among the darkest places one could ever visit.

It was a place where, regardless of whether your eyes were open or closed, what you saw wouldn't change.

Even traditional night vision abilities were useless here. Even at night, there were still trace amounts of light on the surface. Those with night vision could detect even these faintest amounts of light and see as if it were normal.

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