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"What are you doing?" I inquired, and I have no idea why my heart was racing.

"Yhena, run!" He yelled.

"No!" I stated.

"Run! Leave me here!" As he gazed at me sweetly, he said. "I will be okay," he added in a hushed tone.

As I gazed at him, tears welled up in my eyes, and I simply hugged him strongly on his back while whispering. "Please don't die," I said, and he smiled. Then he screamed in pain, and I realized he was under Jia's control. Jia's eyes lit up red as she controlled Adam.

"Get her, guards!" I then took a step back as I gazed at them, unsure of what to do, Laxar stated.

"Run!" When Adam yelled again, I had no choice but to run as Laxar's guards pursued me.

I was taken aback when I lost my balance due to the tree root that impeded my run, causing me to fall and slide on the grass. When my head hit a rock. My vision blurred as I noticed something that shone on Adam's location. I dropped my hand, I was surprised to see blood on my head. Because of the excruciating pain in my head, I was forced to look up at the sky. My vision became increasingly blurry until it became completely black.

(Sound of an ambulance)

"All of a sudden, someone was lying there, and her head was bloodied,"

"Did you figure out what the problem was?"

Someone was talking...

I slowly opened and closed my eyes since my head was immediately hurting. My vision is still a little hazy, and I'm unable to move my body. Suddenly, paramedics reached me and placed me on a stretcher in an ambulance.

"W-the... what's the matter with me?"

I was startled when I heard a familiar voice and saw her...

It was my mother.

"What happened to you, Yhena? Oh my goodness, please hurry up and get my daughter to the hospital!" Mom remarked.

"M-mom?" I said, a slight smile on my face as I tried to offer her a smile as if I was telling her that everything is fine, that everything will be fine.

I noticed she gave me a worried expression, and then my head began to hurt again, and I lost consciousness.


I was startled awake and touched my head as it began to hurt. What happened four years ago continues to haunt me. I'm not sure why, but it causes me anxiety and trauma. It's difficult to wake up each day with dreams of the past that I'd rather forget. When I struck my head on a rock, why didn't I lose my memory? I wished my memories had vanished at that moment, but they did not.

All I want to do is live a normal life.

Meet me 1000 years from now (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now