Chapter 18

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Amanda's P.O.V
"Audree can you get your sisters car seat and stroller," Audree's mum asks.
"Yeah," Audree says.
"Looks like you've got a friend," I say to Luke leaning over the back of the couch to get Aaleyah.
"She just climbed up here. I don't even know who she is," Luke says.
"Her name is Aaleyah, she is Audree's sister," I explain and Aaleyah smiles at me before hugging Luke.
"Oh," Luke says.
        Aaleyah reaches her arms out for me to pick her up. I pick her up.
"Where are you going," Luke asks.
"Taking Lauren and Audree to the mall," I tell him.
"Oh. I'm gonna stay here and play this game," Luke says.
"Okay," I say before kissing him.
"Get a room," Ashton says.
"I have a room," I say after Luke pulled away.
"I love you," Luke says.
"I love you too," I say kissing him one more time before grabbing my purse which was on the table.
"We are leaving," I say to mum.
"Okay. You better not be making out with your boyfriend with Aaleyah right there," my mum says.
"She was," Ashton say.
"No we weren't making out," Luke says.
"Yeah right," Ashton says.
"We weren't," I say to Ashton as I walk out the front door with Aaleyah and Holly.
        Lauren and Audree were already waiting with Aaleyah's car seat and stroller by the car.
"It's unlocked," I say walking to open the trunk of the car for the stroller.
        Lauren put the stroller in the trunk while Audree buckles the car seat in. I put Aaleyah in her seat, buckle her in and get in. Audree, Holly and Lauren get in. We head to the mall. When we get there I pop the trunk so we can get the stroller.
"Audree will you get your sister," I ask opening my door.
"Yeah," Audree says with Aaleyah already in her arms and gets out.
        I get the stroller out of the trunk and open it. Audree puts Aaleyah in the stroller while I close the trunk and I push the stroller into the mall. Since we are out I am gonna get Lauren's phone now. But first we are going to go Orange Julius. I buy everyone a smoothie including Aaleyah.
"Where are we going first," Holly asks.
"We are gonna get Lauren's phone," I whisper to Holly.
"Okay," Holly says.
"What are we doing here," Lauren asks as we walk into the Verizon place.
"What do you think," I say.
"My phone," Lauren asks.
"Yeah, what phone do you want," I ask.
"Which one do you have," Lauren asks.
"The iPhone 5s," I say.
"I want that one," Lauren says.
"Okay," I say.
"How can I help you," the worker asks.
"We want to buy an iPhone 5s and add it to my plan," I say.
"Okay," She says walking towards the counter and we follow her.
        She grabs an iPhone 5s and sets it on the counter. She starts typing on the computer.
"What's your name," She asks.
"Amanda Irwin," I say looking around to make sure there were no fans.
        Once, in the past I said my name and fans started screaming when they heard 'Irwin'.
"Okay. So you want to add this phone to your plan," She asks.
"Yes," I say.
        She types some more on the computer then opens the box to the phone pulling the phone out and started the process of hooking the phone up. After she got the phone hooked up she handed it to me and I handed it to Lauren. I paid and we leave.
"Thank you," I say before leaving.
"Amanda you're the best sister anyone could have," Lauren says.
"Where do you guys want to go now," I say putting the box to Lauren's phone in the bottom of the stroller.
"Can we go to Hollister," Lauren asks.
"Yeah," I say walking towards Hollister.
        I get a text message when we get in Hollister. I look at my phone. It's from Calum.
Calum: Ashton may have said something to Luke and he left saying he never wants to talk to you again.
Me: What the hell did he say.
Calum: He said that you were seeing someone else. basically said you cheated on Luke.
Me: That is a lie. I would never do that. I'm calling him right now.
Calum: He might not answer.
        I dialed Luke's number. It rang four times and went to voice mail.
"Luke please call me back. Ashton lied I would never do that to you. I love you and only you," I say and hang up.
"Holly, can I use your phone, Luke wont answer and I need to talk to him," I say.
"Yeah, Why wont he answer," Holly says.
"Calum texted me and said Ashton told Luke that I cheated on him and you even now I wouldn't do that," I say dialing Luke's number on Holly's phone.
        Please answer Luke.
"Will you watch the girls for a minute I'm gonna go out of the store to talk to Luke," I say.
"Yeah," Holly says and I leave the store.
        Luke finally answers.
"Hey Holly I'm not talking to Amanda," Luke says.
"Luke it's not Holly and please don't hang up," I say.
"Amanda, I'm not gonna do this," Luke says.
"Luke I promise I didn't cheat on you. I would never do that," I say.
"Well Ashton said that you did," Luke says.
"Luke, You know I wouldn't do that," I say.
"Amanda I don't know who to believe," Luke says.
"Please believe me. I love you and only you. I wouldn't do that to you," I say.
"Amanda I gotta go," Luke says.
"Luke please talk to me," I say.
"What am I supposed to say," Luke says and my starts ringing, it's my mum.
"Hold on my mum's calling me," I say.
"Okay," Luke says.
"Hello," I say answering my phone.
"Amanda call Luke. He left and no one will tell me why," mum says.
"I'm talking to him. I will tell you later," I say.
"Okay bye," mum says.
"Bye," I say hanging up and putting my phone back in my pocket.
"Luke," I ask talking into Holly's phone again.
"Amanda, I gotta go," Luke says.
"Luke please talk to me," I say feeling my eyes tear up.
        You could tell in my voice I was going to cry.
"What am I suppose to say to you, Amanda. I don't know who to believe anymore," Luke says.
"Luke please believe me. I would never do that and think when would I be able to I'm always with you, Calum, Ashton, Michael or Holly," I say.
"That's true. Just come to my house when you are done shopping with your sister. I love you," Luke says.
"Okay I will. See you in about an hour and a half. I love you too," I say wiping away some tears.
"Bye babe," Luke says.
"Bye," I say smiling.
        I hang up and walk back into the store. Lauren and Audree are trying on the clothes they found. I hand Holly her phone.
"How did that go," Holly asks.
"Good, I'm going to Luke's when we are done here and I hate my brother. I am not talking to him when we get home or ever again," I say.
        Lauren and Audree came out of the dressing room.
"Amanda, have you been crying," Lauren asks.
"I'm fine Lauren," I say.
"I know you were crying. Please tell me," Lauren says.
"Later Lauren. All you need to know for now is I am never talking to Ashton again," I say.
"Why," Lauren asks.
"I will tell you later," I say looking at a jacket.
"Did you find what you want," I ask two minutes later.
"Yeah," Lauren, Holly and Audree say.

        I pay for everything then we leave.

"Amanda will you please tell me now. I can't wait," Lauren says.
"Holly will you Audree and Aaleyah walk ahead of us," I ask handing her the stroller.
"Yeah. Come on Audree," Holly says.
        I wait for them to walk ahead a little bit.
"I'm never talking to Ashton again. I will talk to you and Harry but not Ashton," I say.
"What did Ashton do," Lauren asks.
"Well do you think I would ever cheat on Luke," I ask.
"No, who would think that," Lauren asks.
"Ashton," I say.
"He told Luke I cheated on him and Luke said he never wanted to talk to me again," I add.
"I'm sorry Amanda," Lauren says hugging me.
"It's okay. I talked to Luke and I am going to his house after I take you guys home," I say.
"So you guys made up," Lauren asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"That's good," Lauren says.
        We go to two more stores before going home. We went to Hollister, Rue 21 and Aeropostale. I also got Aaleyah a toy, a bathing suit, a pair of shoes and an outfit. 
"Audree, will you take your sister to your mum and tell her I will bring her the car seat and stroller later. Lauren tell mum where I went but don't let Ashton hear. I gotta go," I say.
"Okay," Lauren and Audree both say.
        After they get out I back out of the drive way and over to Luke's. His mum wasn't home. I knocked on the door. Luke answered. I hug him as I walk through the door.
"Hi babe," Luke says.
"Hi," I say smiling.
        We sit on the couch. I cuddle up next to Luke. I never want to let go of him. I can't believe Ashton would do that to me. I absolutely hate him. Luke and I talked for about an hour.
"Come with me please," I say.
"I don't want to go to your house," Luke says.
"Please, I wont let him hurt you I promise," I say.
"Fine," Luke says and we walk out to my car.
        We drive to my house and go in.
"I guess you forgive the cheater," Ashton says.
        I look around for Lauren. Where is my sister when I need her. I text her.
Me: I'm home please come down here.
"She didn't cheat," Luke says.
"I thought you said you weren't ever talking to her again," Ashton says.
"Well you lied to me," Luke says.
"What do you need," Lauren says.
"Tell Ashton I didn't cheat on Luke," I whisper in her ear.
"Ashton I hope you know Amanda didn't cheat on Luke and you know she wouldn't," Lauren says.
"Oh so your not talking to me again," Ashton says.
        I just look at Lauren.
"No she is not," Lauren says.
"Well we all can guess who's not going on tour with us," Ashton says.
"She doesn't go and I don't go," Luke says.
"Luke you have to go," Ashton says.
"I don't have to do anything," Luke says.
"Amanda's not going end of story," Ashton says.
"I HATE YOU ASHTON," I yell running to my room in tears.
"Look what you did. Oh and I'm not going," Luke says calmly before following me up to my room.
"Luke we need you to go," Ashton says.
        Luke ignores him.
"Are you okay babe," Luke asks when he enters my room.
"No I'm not," I say.
"Babe, you are still going with me on tour," Luke says.
"I can't you heard Ashton," I say.
"He already told our manager that you and Holy were going he can't change it now. Plus plane tickets for the whole tour have already been purchased," Luke says.
"But Luke he will get mad," I say.
"No he won't," Luke says.
"Whats going on? Lauren told me to come talk to you," mum says.
"Luke, will you give us a minute please," I say.
"Sure," Luke says getting up and walking out of the room.
"Ashton told Luke I cheated on him and Ashton knows I wouldn't do that," I say.
"Amanda, I know you didn't and I know you wouldn't. Just ignore Ashton," mum says.
"But he said I can't go on tour anymore and I really want to," I say.
"Your still going. I don't care what Ashton says," mum says.
"Thanks mum," I say grabbing my pajamas.
        I put my pajamas on once my mum left the room. I grab Luke's sweater and put it on as he walks in my room. I think I am gonna go to bed. I climb in my bed. Luke turns off the light and climbs in bed next to me. We go to sleep.

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