☾ 9 ☽

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"Guys!" Seungmin shouted attracting the attention of all the employees who immediately stopped whatever they were doing. Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him then he continued what he was about to say "Mr. Lee wants to make an announcement in a while, stop what you are doing and listen to what he has to say" seeing no response from the employees who just looked at each other and exchanging glances with other employees make Seungmin raised his voice "Understand?!" And they answered Seungmin half-heartedly.

Jisung was curious about what Mr. Lee announced that they all had to temporarily stop their work. He looked at his friend who was also doing the same thing, their eyes met and a confused look appeared on Hyunjin's face.

"You know about this?" Hyunjin whispered to Jisung. Jisung just shook his head, but he hoped whatever it was a good thing.

The sound of the door opening was heard and all the employees stood and bowed when they saw Mr. Lee who is wearing a black suit with a white shirt and patterned tie, makes him look very cool, especially when his hair is styled back came out from his room and walked towards Seungmin who was in the middle of the room.

"There's something I want to tell you all that might make you happy. Regarding our company's project to build relationships with other fashion companies, I'm holding a competition for you, where you have to make clothes that are purely your own creations. I want all of you to participate in this competition because I will give a prize to whoever has the best design" Minho finished explaining and an employee raised his hand. Minho looked at him and gestured to the employee to continue. "Is there a certain theme, sir?"

Minho quickly responded "Since it's summer and the cherry blossoms are blooming, I want you to make a theme with it, something that is beautiful to look at because of its beautiful color, while giving the wearer a fresh impression" All the employees nodded in understanding.

"I'll give you one week to make it so show me your best work and prove to me that I'm not wrong for hire you in my company" with that last sentence he turned around and walked towards his room. All the employes bow down and sit on their desk.

"I have a meeting this afternoon right?" Minho asked seungmin who followed behind him.

"Yes, at 3 pm later, I have prepared the documents that we have to bring later" Seungmin answered while checking the schedule he carried everywhere.

"Well I hope this collaboration will produce something big" Minho responded confidently.

Meanwhile the employees were still discussing what they should make for this competition. They didn't want to disappoint Mr. Lee who had believed in them. Likewise Jisung, he doesn't want Mr. Lee considered him a useless employee, so he wanted to prove that he could and had the skills and qualities to work under Mr. Lee.

"Ji? Psst!" Hyunjin called Jisung from across his desk.

"Huh? What?"

"Do you have any idea what you're going to make?" Hyunjin asked very enthusiastically.

"Hmmm... I don't know yet, maybe I'll make something elegant" Jisung answered simply. Honestly, he didn't know what kind of clothes he was going to make.

Hyunjin nodded "Elegant, yes it suits your very calm attitude" he smiled mockingly. Seeing that Jisung just rolled his eyes playfully.

"Anyway, I'm really looking forward to it, I hope our design is chosen" Hyunjin was so enthusiastic that he was flapping his palms happily.

"Yeah, me too" Jisung responded with a smile.

"Eh, but are you curious with whom our company will cooperate with?" Hyunjin asked Jisung who would continue his work again.

"First, this is not our company and secondly I don't know" Jisung's answer made Hyunjin sigh.

"It's just the same sung, we work here so this is our company too" Hyunjin reasoned and Jisung just nodded hearing that. "But what's wrong with you? Every time I ask, you always say you don't know, look like you don't have another answer" Hyunjin pouted at Jisung and Jisung wanted to laugh at his behavior.

"It's just that I really don't know, sometimes not knowing something is the best choice" Jisung replied in a playful tone not meaning to be serious but what he said was true.


Wattpad was really sick this past 2 hours.

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