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Demons, a supernatural beings associated with evil. The bringers of misfortune, utterly monstrous, creatures of the dark, a power so evil that lives in the depths of hell, vile disgusting twisted creatures that don't deserve light, heartless murderer of good, the home to despair, hatred. That's how they are generally described, but who knew that even they had feelings of love and hope, who knew demons weren't vile disgusting creatures. Who knew demons in the first place?

Angels are the spokesmen of good while demons were the symbol of evil. That's how it was believed, is still believed and will be believed for who knows how long.

Angels and devils could never be together.

Lucifer, after his fall still maintained this unsaid law. He would never look at a demon but look at him now, he fell for a demon, a demon prince. But will the prideful fallen angel accept this? ~NAH~ He would never let his feelings out even if the world ends. His pride wouldn't let him. He refuses to accept his feelings in the very first place to begin with.

But he seems disturbed, very disturbed for an unknown fact. He tried his level best to ignore the uncomfortably suffocating feeling bubbling up in his chest. He shouldn't feel like this, he needs to smile and welcome the guests, afterall the prince requested him to do it personally, he must keep his request.

He needs to put on a smile to mask his uneasiness and the unknown feeling making his chest tighten and hurt. But to his despair, some people, specifically his brothers with y/n were enjoying the show while sipping tea in the background.

So here we are at the royal banquet for the success of the exchange program. All the people were dressed elegantly. Women with stylish dresses and heavy jewelry, men with ironed suits decorated with various stones, everyone was beautiful in their own way. The two humans were also there, y/n and Solomon dressed gorgeously as ever and so were the two angels, they were the main characters for the evening afterall.

But everyone was busy doing their own things, like women were busy flirting with the prince coz who would leave a chance to flirt with the soon-to-be-king and on the other hand our oh-so-prideful lucifer was busy glairing at the women who were trying to touch the prince. He was chucking down liquor as if it were those women's blood, while his brothers and y/n were enjoying the drama quietly trying hard to not burst out laughing. Lucifer's face was beet red, probably from the liquor or the anger and jealousy, but don't tell him that. Because according to him the room was just too hot.  

Lucifer looked like an angel as he was, but a fallen one. The liquor had started to kick in his system even when he just had five shots. Asmo might or might not have added some unknown substance in the shots, who knows. Everything is fair in love and war isn't it, so we sucker for the tea will let Asmo off the hook. Now back to Lucifer who had taken the job of Levi, the demon of envy.

If glared could kill, the swam of women around the prince would have been in the very pits of hell fire. For some people jealousy and liquor are the best motivation to convey your true feelings, Lucifer happens to be one of them. He was already having a hard time not to snap the women's neck trying to flirt with the prince and as if on que a woman wearing a deep red one-piece that barely fit her with dough on her face I mean make-up on her face, rubbed herself on the prince.

That was the last straw to Lucifer's patience and self control. He stood up with wobbly legs and marched right towards the prince who was surrounded by a crowd of women.

" Hey Diavolo! You bad demon! You mean duck! " he called out.

He had somehow managed not to trip on his way but as soon as he was near the prince he stumbled and would have fallen face first if the prince wouldn't have had a tight grip on his waist, catching him like an experienced baseball player.

DIAVOLO X LUCIFER (one-shots )Where stories live. Discover now