Mission accomplished

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"So..... It's confirmed?" said a voice in low whisper over a Bluetooth earphone. " Yup.... Absolutely. This is raw information from the base, 100% pure. " replied another voice in a hushed whisper. " The mission starts at 10.00 p.m. Gather in our basement and we shall have a through out planing. Till then act normal. Meeting dismissed. " the third person, seemingly the leader, dismissed the meeting as the members disconnected from the server one by one.

Well here's what's happening. Our M/C with her gang of six demons is on a mission, Mission: Dialuci blackmailing material. It was their top priority right now after the fail of Mission: Lucifer sleeping pic. That was not the only mission that ended with ' Mission failed ', most of their missions end with it. But so far in their 50 to-do missions list only one has been successful, which is ' Dialuci confession '.

Today they are gifted with a golden opportunity of striking off one more mission from their to-do list. Today Lord Diavolo has invited their mom- I mean brother to dinner date, a 'friendly' one as Lucifer himself stated. Now, what better opportunity could they get to invade Lucifer's room and find those Diavolo plushies that he has been hiding. You might be intrigued as to how they know that when he was extra careful while smugling those in his hideout- bedroom at the the middle of night. Well that's what you get for having seven cute personalized stalkers who have a camera planted at your doorstep, understandable much.

But jokes aside, we absolutely love the mom Lucifer is as he is feeding his brothers first and obviously the M/C before going on a date with his beloved boyfriend- I mean friend. It was 9.45 p.m. when everyone finished eating and were strictly ordered to complete their homeworks. Like obedient pups they went back to their room to pack for their mission and the last part doesn't need to be known.

Juliet was already on his way to meet Romeo as it takes 10 mins to get to the castle. They were patiently waiting for the clock to strike 10, as we never know, what if Juliet comes back for something..... Or for their lives...... Well this is Luciet we are talking about.... Nothing is impossible.

The ticking of clock were echoing as there was not a single noise in the house of Lametion in those fifteen minutes, well except the sound of Beel aggressively munching on chips but that could be considered as the sound of nature. Time seemed to pass in slow motion for the occupants of the house as they were high on the adrenaline of finding blackmail material against Lucifer finally~~. Mammon was sitting infront of the clock counting seconds instead of counting the stack of money behind him. Satan paid no mind to the book in his hands as his eyes were glued to the clock. Asmo was gently tracing the border of the rose on his alarm clock with a face mask on. Heck even Belphegor was wide awake and Levi was far from his computer hugging a Ruri-chan clock. And the leader of the chaos- the M/C , was planning all kinds of scenarios about the date- no mission that was due in a few minutes. You can understand the importance of the mission and I density of their sincerity by this I suppose.

The second the clock struck 10 every single member of the chaotic squad was in M/C's room at the speed of lightning even before the main clock dinged 10 times signaling the time. Everyone was dressed in black and them as a whole looked more like an emo squad.

" Honoured members of respected and feared chaotic gang, I wish for you assistance today to complete one of the most dangerous and life-risking mission." M/C stated in a professional voice and proceeded to explain the plan. " Today we will be infiltrate thw cave or the hideout of a very deadly de-mom. Mom - a scary species when angry and naturally protective of its children. Is loving but one shouldn't anger them or hurt their children, until they are eager to die.............. " There was a pregnant silence for a minute as everyone was perspiring, a slight fear visible in their eyes as if they were remembering a scary memory and indeed they had this image of a certain black haired angry mom stuck in their brain. A shiver when down everyone's spine.

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