Chapter One

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This is very very poor of me to have so many stories, which means harder working. It's my fault for being so creative. I have a backlog on my ipod where I have thought of so many ideas and got sidetracked writing ideas down for hours on just one. I suppose it's time I admitted that I have tons of ideas and I am going insane! My notes on my ipod is cluttered with tons of writings. Enjoy my lovely readers!

Chapter One: The Night Is Never Cold Hearted.

Point of view: Third Person

Nyx watches the scene she views through the shadows sadly. Ever since she saw the boy, she felt just how pure and important he was. He shouldn't be treated like this. 

She watches as he comes upon the girl he loves cheating on him in the most horrible way possible. The velvet box containing the best ring ever made drops out of his hand, its beauty forgotten by Percy. He silently walks away with a stoic expression and heads deeper into the woods. 

Nyx decides to do something and uses the shadows to get to the place where Perseus Jackson is. When she steps out, Percy just looks at her with no emotion. 

"Lady Nyx. Never thought I'd see you again. I am sorry about the first time we met. Forgive my rudeness and trickery. You can kill me if you want. I don't care." Percy speaks in a dead voice to which Nyx flinches from hearing. 

Nyx shakes her head and walks up to the fearless boy she has watched since he escaped her in Tartarus. "No, I have kept my eye on you since that moment in time when you got away from me. You are so vital to the world that destiny warps around you. Pure, innocent, loving, loyal, but most of all without a single speck of greed or arrogance. Will you come with me to my Mansion? You will not be harmed, I would love to have your company." She smiles. 

Percy calculates her under his void mask. "My company? After what happened? Are you sure?" 

Nyx holds out her hand with a warm smile. Percy grasps it and Nyx pulls him forward and into her unlikely warm embrace. "I am positive young child. We will have so much fun. I guarantee you will love spending the rest of your life with my children and I. We will love each other in many ways but one." 

Percy looks up at her and smiles weakly. "So you saw what she was doing?" 

Nyx kisses his cheek. "Indeed I did. What a horrid thing to do to such a wonderful young man. You no longer need to worry about betrayal. It won't happen where we are going." 

Percy buries his head in her shoulder and Nyx holds him closer. She and Percy meld into the shadows and reappear in the room that Nyx uses as a throne room, though she hardly uses it. She only does that when people come to visit. She walks along with Percy and asks him about his life before Tartarus and knowing he was a demigod. 

"I don't want to talk about it." Percy whispers upset. 

"Why ever not?" Nyx says. 

"Maybe you weren't watching while it happened, but my mother cast me out recently, same with the man she is marrying. I don't like mortals or immortals. I'm a child of both, well was a child of both. I'm just a boy who doesn't have a place in the world. I don't have anybody. No parents, no family, no friends. I have lost everything and I can't feel anything anymore." Percy tells her. 

Nyx had gasped at his first sentence. "A mother knows never to abandon her child. I am so sorry." Nyx says. She takes one of his hands in hers as they walk. He lets her hold it and Nyx smiles at that. 

"It's okay. I've gotten used to it." Percy tells her. 

"Well it's not okay and you won't have to worry about it now. I want you to meet my children. I'm sure they'll love you." Nyx says.

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