Chapter Two

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Phew! I'm an updating master today! I'm trucking along you guys. Enjoy this next release my lovely readers!

Chapter Two: What Do The Gods Think?! Annabeth?! REYNA!!!!!!!!

Point of view: Third Person

"Where is that traitor?!" Annabeth screeches. 

"Shut up Annabeth! He isn't a traitor! I can't believe I listened to your lies!" Nico shouts at her with tears running freely down his face. 

"Oh my gods." Thalia sobs. 

"Please calm down Thalia. I know how much it hurts for you." Artemis pleads with her lieutenant and sits next to her at the foot of her own throne. The moon goddess glares at Annabeth. "You gave your virtue to a pig. Now the only decent make in the world is lost to us. He could be dead for all we know." 

"He's not decent. He's a treacherous bastard who cheated on me." Annabeth says. "Will is a much better person then Perseus Jackson ever was or could be. I hope he is dead." 

Aphrodite screams at Annabeth. "He didn't cheat liar! You are such a witch!" 

Athena sinks into her throne. "Annabeth, I gave him permission to propose to you, marry you. He went through so many trials to prove himself worthy of your love."

"That's not true. He was away with a mortal girl the entire five months." Annabeth argues. 

"No, I was with him while he completed many quests for me. He never wavered in his loyalty." Athena whispers and Annabeth looks dumbstruck. 

"What?" Annabeth breathes. 

"You ruined his life because Will was jealous of Percy!" Jason yells. 

"I-I didn't know." Annabeth stutters. 

"Why would you believe him?!" Reyna asks in disbelief. "Why wasn't our camp informed?!" 

The Romans all look guiltily at Reyna. "What's the matter with all of you?" Reyna looks at them. 

"We all knew. We just kept it from you. We knew you wouldn't believe us." Dakota admits. 

"I can't believe this!" Reyna shouts. She rips off her praetor badge and throws it on the floor.

She stomps on it so hard it shatters. People gasp and hold their breath. Reyna tears her cape off and rips it to shreds. And let's them fall to the floor. "You're all a disgrace! I'm going to look for my wonderful friend! Don't even bother joining me or looking with me. And if I find him, I'm never coming back and I'll make sure he stays away so he doesn't get hurt by your idiocy! I hate you all!" Reyna storms almost rips the throne room doors off by their hinges as she throws open the door with her wrathful force. 

Percy shadow travels after her while everyone is shocked speechless. He appears in front of her and she draws her sword. "Reyna? Is it true? Did you not know what happened to me at Camp Half-Blood?" He asks quietly. 

"Percy?!" Reyna whispers in shock and runs up to him to hug him. "In so glad you're alive." Reyna cries into his shoulder. 

"You have to be quiet now, my mother and I are hanging around the shadows. I will explain once we leave." Percy tells her. 

She looks confused but nods, trusting him completely. He tightens his hold on her and shadow travels back to where he was before. He holds Reyna while the three of them listen in to the meeting, just now getting started again. 

"We just lost our best praetor ever." Frank says, breaking through the shock. 

"We have no praetor. Who do we raise? None of us deserve it but Reyna and Percy." Hazel says while she cries with Nico at their father's throne. 

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