Hook Man

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No One's Pov:

Dean sat at a table, working on the laptop belonging to his brother. The taller male sat down, looking at his brother unamused as he told him about his latte. Dean chuckled softly, checking his phone once more for an update on Tavin's location.

"I had them check the FBI's Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe's fitting Dad's description. Even ran his plates for traffic violations." Sam was defeated, "No news for Tavin yet either?" He asks the male, Dean just shook his head.

"Sam, I'm telling ya, Dad just doesn't want to be found." Pulling up an article, he shows the other Winchester, "It's a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankenly, Iowa. Only about a hundred miles from here."

"The mutilated body was found near the victim's car, parked on 9 Mile Road." Sam shifted his eyes to Dean, who encourged him to keep reading, "Authorities are unable to provide a realistic descrpition of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attcker is invisible."

Sam didn't think it would be anything, Dean told him that their dad would definitely have checked this out. So, packing up the brothers headed for the impala, Sam shooting a text to Tavin telling him to meet them in Town at the fraternity.

Pocketing the phone, Tavin slammed his car door shut before walking up to the doors to the saloon, being greeted by hunters all around. Walking up to the bar, the male smiled softly at the women over the counter.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," Laughing softly Tav nodded in greeting. "How the hell are you boy?" The women in question, was Ellen Harvelle, this saloon and bar was owned by her and her late husband. "You look like you've had a rough go, everything all right?"

"Yeah, just a lot has happened in the last few months," The boy sat down, running his hand through his hair. "You know, I can see why Bobby didn't want me getting in this life," Ellen knew about most of his life, she even knew about 'Jamie' but not that he was a demon.

"Is that who I think that is?" Hearing the female's voice, Tavin smiled softly, turning around just in time for Jo to tackle hug him against the bar. "I've missed that stupid face of yours Tav. How are you?" 

The three sat for a bit and talked, Tavin decided to fill them in on how he ran into his ex-boyfriend in St. Louis while working a case. He left out the part about the Winchesters, knowing how Ellen's husband died.

The sudden conversation cut through, when Tavin's phone rang once more. Sam's number flashed on screen, sighing softly he told the girls that he had to go and deal with some business and that he'd stop by when he had the chance. 

Walking out of the bar, Tavin got into his car answering his phone. Sam's voice sounding relieved he had answered. Rolling his eyes playfully, the male pulled out of the parking lot and started driving. He knew from the text message that they would be in Ankenly. 

"There you are dude," Sam leaned back against the car, "Where the hell have you been? We haven't seen you since St. Louis, did you get my message?!" Tav told the taller male to calm down, and that he was fine.

"Dude, chill. Something came up on my end with a few connections, bad hunt for a hunter friend of mine and had to help him out." Not that it was a complete lie, but he did have a hunter friend who needed his help. "I'm just heading into Iowa now, should be over in Ankenly tonight. Don't get hurt,"

Tavin didn't let Sam answer, he just hung up the phone and continued driving, he did want to get to Ankenly by nightfall. Sam rolled his eyes as he pocketed his phone before following Dean up to the frat house.

This was not his cup of tea, he doesn't understand the whole thing and not that he really wanted to. Walking into the house, Sam followed his brother Dean up to a room that was apparently there 'roommates' obviously they weren't going to be staying.

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