Woah 27

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I was laying down with my baby Saint who woke up 20 mins ago

" Hehaha" he laughed as I was ticking him " I think this toe has to go" I said laughing with him

" I love you moma moma" he said hugging me " so love you more " I said

" Let's go cook some cookies and shrimp " I said getting up

" Yaaa" he yelled getting out the bed running out the room " Stop running before you fall " I said

As I walked in the kitchen I saw Naomi sitting in the living room with a robe on

She probably trying to sex Wil down thinking that's go make him keep her

" What kind of cookies you wnat baby " I asked Saint " Chocolate chip with Carmel " he said

I smiled " done and fried or boil shrimp " I asked " Fried can daddy have some " he asked

" Of course he can " I said while taking everything I need out

" Where Wilfur said he was " she asked me walking in the kitchen

" I don't know I been sleep sense he left " I said mixing the stuff together

" O congrats on the baby you go move in with him or y'all go co parent " she asked being smart

I sighed " That's my business not to be rude " I said with a smile

She rolled her eyes " O well good " she said right when the noise on the door went off

" Dadada" Saint yelled running to Wil " Wassup little man I missed you " he said picking him up

" I miss you to " he said " Where momma at huh" he asked him

" in here " I stated, He walked into the kitchen, He looked at me and Naomi before putting Saint down

" Yall good," he asked "Yeah I'm fine just making a little snack," I said mixing all the caramel and chocolate

"And whats the snack," he said walking up looking "cookies and shrimp and for dinner pasta," i said

He hugged me "cook it up then he said pulling back making me smile "Wilfur we needed talk," Naomi said

"in a min, I gotta show Saint what I got him," he said " and what's that" i asked

"you'll see " he said walking out the kitchen " moma daddy got me something" he asked "idk baby" i said

I finally was done with the cookies and was putting them in the oven , Now i can start on the shrimp

I was going to do something different I'm going to wrap the shrimp in bacon and dripped them in barbecue sauce

"YAAAAAAAAAAA snakey " i heard saint say making me turn around to see a snake in Wil hand

I wasn't scared of them but this was a king cobra "Ugh who that's for" i asked , The snake was just moving around

" don't worry the teeth are off so if it bites cant do anything, here you are saint," he said giving saint the snake

The snake was bigger than him which was funny "What you go name him" i asked while putting the shrimp in the oven

" ima call him chuke " he said " well how about you go put chuke in his area and we can eat" Wil said

"yes sir ill be back " he said walking down the hall with chuke " How was your day" i asked checking the cookies

'' was ight yk " he said rubbing my stomach " so fat now " he said making me smile " shut up" i said

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