Woah 34

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" Hi Amber how are you feeling, " The doctor asked " head hurts but why am I here," i asked

"You fell out for some reason," My mom said, I looked and seen they had wires on my stomach

" well good thing the baby is okay but you will have an earl pregnancy," she said going to a screen

"everything is good just see the baby is going to have a earl coming because your water is half broken so by December you'll be due instead of February " she said

"We ran some test and looked over and everything is okay just your water is halfway broke but it wants effect nothing " she added

" So will it be better if she got a C section when she gives birth," my mom asked

" We would recommend that she do in the safer for the baby and her " she said

I wasn't getting anything but if that's what I have to get then I will

" Lemme go get the updates and I'll be right back to see when we can discharge you," she said walking out of the room

" how you feeling sweetie," my momma asked " I'm okay just lost," I said

" Momma," Saint said running over to me, He was trying to get up on the bed

I smiled "Hey momma baby," I said picking him up, He laid his head on me

I still can't believe all of that happen so fast and I thought it was a dream, I hope my baby will be okay

" OMG AMBERRRR you okay baby "My god mom running in the room saying "Yes Gmom i am " i said

"Women all that running what if yo ass would have fell" My Gdaddy said walking in "Shut up Johnathon " she said

"Women get fucked hey babygirl how you feeling " he asked " Im good " i said

My Gmomma looked towards my momma "Baby dont start "my G daddy said

(Igh yall im about start saying daddy cause Gdaddy getting on my nerves of saying )

" G-Momma everything is okay everything is okay i promise we all had a talk " i said

I already knew tension was go happen when they di finally meet "Just making sure baby cause ..

"I know Gmomma you love me and saint but everything is okay Saint loves his grandparents already," i said

She sighed "Well my baby need to be up moving cause i dont like this" she said fake crying

My daddy Sighed " Women shut up and sit down before yo blood pressure go up" he said

She hit him in the head "Shut up " she said walking over to a chair, Saint got up looking around

"da da " he said " Wassuh cham," Wil said , Saint pointed to the water by my bed

Wil got the water handed it to him , Saint can drink some water i know that for one thing

"He can drink water like that" My mom asked "Yes he loves it he even takes mines " i said

" Mo Mo " he said holding the bottle up " Boy no not right now " Wil said

Saint put the bottle down and laid down back on me, My baby was getting g so big

I looked down at my stomach, I wasn't as big as i was with Saint

" Well I guess Saint cheating on me again " My g momma said

" Aww hush women don't get little man fucked up " my dad said

" Not go touch my baby " she said , I laughed at how stupid they was

"Ight ima hit that Smokey on you keep on have you running down the road in yo drawls " he said

We all started laughing scaring Saint who jumped up  looking around

" Www we scared you " I asked Saint , He nodded his head

I kissed his forehead making him smile, he laid back down on me , I rubbed his back

" Good news " the doctor said walking back in " a you can leave today but come back on the 21 for a check-up  so here are yo papers " she said

Saint took the papers while giggling " Thank you " I said " y'all folks have a good day " she said walking out

" Well how about all of us go out to eat to celebrate as a family " my god moma said

Everybody agree, I got out the bed " Be careful " Wilfur said walking over to me

I felt okay " Bae I'm okay," I said standing up putting my slides on "Mama" saint said holding my hand

 "Just let you know we came with yo mom " Wil said "Okay that's fine " i said  , Saint was walking so perfect 

My baby was growing up a little too fast, WAlking down the halls of this hospital

My god mom and dad were arguing making me laugh cause she loves starting arguments with him  

"This woman about make me fuck her on this IV table keep on " he said "Not the IV table "Wil said 

"We just about be effect, wet , nd nasty in this mutherfucker " he said " ill prefer the desk " Tyler said 

"Ya the desk better so i can slam her ass on the floor and fck her on the keyboard" he said 

"O no we need to get out of here asap," my mom said making us all laugh 

These people were cutting up in a hospital  "We go leave yall asses her so" Wil said as we was walking out the doors 

"Saint can ride with us so come on my baby " my Gmomma said picking him up , Saint just was like okay

"Well Tyler get in the back " my mom said "Women i was go do that anyway " he barked back 

"Illl run yo ass over in this bitch " she said unlocking the door "Mhm ima blast you in this bitch " he said 

I laughed while getting in the passenger side  , today has been a day for me 


ight so I'm moving this up to where She has her baby because the next three about be what the true meaning of lil rider mean 

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