One of Your Things Get Stolen

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Imagine one of your most precious things got stolen and Aston will probably calm you down and while you are asleep he would probably try to find it. High and low. Will definitely call the cast to help him.

You will tell her in your native language and she wont be able to understand you. She had to calm you down so you can tell her in English. Once she found out that something precious was stolen from you. She went momma mode. Will call the police to help find it. Now you will be the one to calm her down.

"Y/n look here, we will find it I promise. I lose things all the time but I promise we will find It"  He did help you find it. You both made a mess in the house now you guys had to clean up.

Will tell you that she loves you and that you will find it soon. Trues to calm her self down so she wont get too mad to the one who stole your belonging.

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