Who's Your Ex?

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Aston: A guy named Adam

Adam cheated on you with a girl who looks like a goody two shoes but is actually a Liar. She said to Adam that you hit her whenever he is not looking. And with that you broke up with him.

Anna: some girl who was using you for money and fame.

You never told Anna the girl's name. But she looked like that she was innocent and you thought she actually loved you. She never did, she was just getting money from you so she and her boyfriend can spend it. You caught them in the act. Broke up with her and ruined her reputation.

Jamil: Dont have one

Abby: Someone named Axel

You had a boy bestfriend and everyone thought you guys were dating but you both denied since you were dating someone else. You went to your locker one day and you saw your bestftiend kissing someone. You were happy that he found someone but saw that he was kissing your boyfriend. "CHEATER" you yelled. Your bestfriend thought you were talking to him. He said that you two were never together. But you just went up to your boyfriend and slapped him. Your bestfriend was shocked. You broke up with your boyfriend on the spot.

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