❆Second Chance (16)

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~J A C K S O N~

"WHERE IS LILY?" I question and smile when Mia invites me inside the house. It's quiet, completely quiet. Rose is probably asleep. It's always noisy or energetic here when Rose is present.

Mia smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. "She's asleep on the sofa. We had a little argument then we talked. She fell asleep on my shoulder."

Mia guides me to the living room and I immediately notice Lily's bundled up figure on the sofa. She looks so uncomfortable yet she looks like she doesn't want to wake up anytime soon.

I don't want to wake her up.

"Can I take her to her room? I mean, if she allows anyone in." I ask, still staring at Lily's peaceful sleeping face.

"Yeah, actually her room is upstairs so if you can carry her, you can take her up to her room. Her door is never locked."

I place the food on the table and walk closer to Lily's beautiful bundled figure.

She's so gorgeous.

"I know my sister is beautiful, but the sooner she gets to her room, the less pain there will be in her neck." Mia laughs out, smiling at me. "I'll put the food away for her when she wakes up."

I chuckle, slowly scooping Lily in my arms. She stirs in her sleep, mumbling a few incoherent words that sound funnily foreign. I slowly walk up the flight of stairs, silently panting.

She is not heavy but she is also not light.

I can't help but let my eyes wander down her gorgeous face. Stopping at her lips that I finally got a taste of.

Now, I am addicted.

Like a poor druggie who struggles to get toxins in his body.

I have yet to find out what happened at the restaurant and I am determined to find out. When she almost ran out of that place, I had to try and soothe her but she was crying uncontrollable sobs.

I had this sudden urge to beat the guy.

It made me so angry.

When I finally get to her rooms door, it is slightly ajar and I use my foot to push it open.

Not having time to inspect her room, I gently set her down, throwing a blanket over her form before lying down myself.

I hope she doesn't wake up to find that I am here and than she all of a sudden won't want to see me. Lily cuddles up to my side and on instinct, I wrap my arms around her waist.

I place my lips on her forehead and then press it to her lips in a soft tendering peck. I feel her smile and when I look down, her breaths come out in silent pants.

She has a smile on her face.

"You're awake aren't you?" I question, biting my lip to hide my smile.

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