Chapter 7

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In the infirmary Tristan wrapped my arm with a bandage. Werewolf scratches take longer to heal. He poured something green on it.

"The werewolf scratch should heal overnight."

"I'm sorry I was out that late" I had to see an old friend."

"Your boyfriend he asks, is he worth sneaking out and getting hurt".

"Not my boyfriend just Lucius an older friend of mines I told him. He had a straight face the whole time. I knew my arm will heal in seconds. But I had to go along with the game.

He was pretty good at this kind of stuff. "How long have you been here I asked."

He was here since he was a child.

"He asks why am I so interested about his life."

"I don't know its like you're a mystery, an emotionless, tough mystery I told him."

I am not emotionless I just think its better to be that way, you never know what could go wrong in your life and you have to be prepared for that he claims."

"Or you can face it instead of hiding I told him".

He looks at my tattoo. Where'd you get that tattoo he asks.I got it when I was a baby from a friend. Tristan has a tattoo on his neck. I look at the tattoo. It says I. I try to touch but he stops me.

"Who's I, I ask."

He looks at me with his grey eyes. "

Okay fine no answer, so can I leave now I asked." He shook his head.

I walked out of the infirmary to go to my room. He looked back at me. As I went to my room. I unwrapped the bandage to look at the scratch. I knew it would have vanished by now. I look at the moon. My eyes turn blue while looking at it and smiling. I have finally embraced the moon by turning into who I am for once since I've been here. My hunger for blood has grown stronger. Every night I would go to bed feeling like I have an empty stomach. Its almost close to my 18th birthday just a few more weeks.

The werewolf ran back to the place where he came from. He goes to the chief of the tribe. Any news he asks. The girl is alive he says. The full moon is almost a few weeks away. What do we do until then he asks.

"We wait, then we will kill."


Tristan is in my room checking my arm. He was making sure the scratch healed. I was sleeping gracefully in my bed. I could smell his cologne. I never wanted to wake up. He looks at my tattoo again getting a closer look of it. I wake up and hes gone. I look at my tattoo. The headmaster of the school commanded that Tristan comes to her office. "Tristan Stonehardt." Headmaster Christa says. Christa hasnt aged a day considering she was a vampire.

"Yes Christa" Tristan responds.

"There are always going to be people that hate you and want to rip your heart out in this world. I am asking you to keep a closer eye on our new student Elissa."

" She is a harmless girl Christa Tristan explains to her."

"Its always the people he look harmless that can end you." Tristan looks at her with a weird face.

"Okay" Tristan says. He was dismissed to leave.

Christa made a call to that mysterious person. "Its done" she says.


Jack is in his special place in his castle. Fighting one of his followers to get stronger. He beats them severely . One of his men told him Gertrude was calling him. "Okay thats it for today, your not bad for a newbie" Jack tells Max. Jack is walking while wiping his sweat using a towel. Gertrude is in his bedroom by the balcony. She was looking at the view. "Gertrude" Jack says. "Jack" Gertrude says after.

"Thank you for meeting me I know your daughter might still be scarred after her father died. Just wanting revenge."Jack says.

"I know but you had to do what you had to do in order to protect our kind from monsters like that..." Gertrude says.

"Maybe it is time she should join us , come walk with me Gertrude."Jack says.

Gertrude is walking with Jack. He is going to the celler where all of the 15 students are. Including Elissa's mother Claire. All of the 15 students are newborn vampires. Fifteen of these newborn vampires can help me along with other friends to kill Amara. They drink pints of Claire's blood. We have someone special who can help us kill that hybrid is with a witch and some blood from her. But lately witches have gone underground since her birth. "So you need me to get you a witch.Done." Gertrude says. "Not just any witch the witch... Kate" Jack says. "Kate... has disappeared from her coven a long time ago.

"But she is the descedant of her grandmother Ravenna who knows the spell to ending Amara and she is connected to her mother Sabine. And I am positive her sisters might help us."

"Sabine is dead though."

"Right thats why we need Kate either her or Lucius."

"The great and terrible vampire" Gertrude says.

"In case if something happens we have a back up plan. The Immortalis dagger" it has not been known yet if it will take everything a vampire has. I will get what I want Gertrude".

"Yes you will Jack. Gertrude states. She smiles at him. But the immortalis dagger has not been used or found in years.Plans have changed for her. She will help along.


I was getting ready for the party knowing that my mother was out there somewhere wanting me to find her. Lucius wants me to keep a low profile.

I just remembered Prom was at the end of the month the first of June. I won't get to experience my first official prom. The headmaster ordered everyone to stay in the school perimeters. Those who go out suffer consequences.

Vick is by my door. Her beck was bitten. My eyes are shocked. I ask her "What happened".

"I don't know I only remember getting bitten by someone or something she says."

"It didn't look like a vampire bite."

She comes closer to me and falls in my arms. After touching her head. I saw how she got bit it was a werewolf bite. It looked I saw her get bit by touching her. Werewolf bites are fatal to vampires. I call Lucius. He says he busy doing something. Vick is in my room Lucius with a werewolf bite. What do I do? we could get in trouble for this. And not only that I saw how she got bit by touching her.

He told me that I was probably developing something he couldnt explain. No vampire or werewolf has abilities like that. I know but right now we need to focus on her what do I do. Vick was getting worse by the minute.Vampires usually die from bites like that. Have you tried using any of Hexadom? He asks. I look in my medicine cabinet .

I pour the Hexadom potion on it. It wasn't working. Lucius did not know what else to do their was no cure for werewolf bites. There had to be another way. He kept thinking and having flash backs of when I was born. "Blood" he says.

"Blood"? I ask.

"Elissa use your blood to help her see it if it will work Lucius says." I grab a knife and look at it closely. The knife cuts my index finger. I fed Vick my blood. After waiting a few seconds nothing was working then results came. My blood cured Vick. She wakes up saying Oh my god. What did you do?

I lock my room door asking Vick if she was okay. This is bizarre I should be dead right now. That bite should have killed me she says. I ask her did she remember anything else.

"No but I think after I got bit someone compelled me to forget I was bitten."

So it was also a vampire. The also wanted me to give you a message Jack is coming. Does that mean anything to you she asks. I look worried. Vick you cant tell anyone what happened tonight it has to stay between me and you our lives depend on it. "Of course" Vick says. We both had to miss the party.

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