Chapter 12

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Claire is running for her life. She came across a telephone booth. She called me on my cell. I answered the unknown number.

"Elissa Claire shouts"

"Mom" I say sounding so relieved. I havent hear her voice in a while.I asked her where she was this whole time. She told me Jack held her captive in his celler draining her body of blood. She managed to get out.

"Where are you headed now? I ask"

"I am going to get a taxi and drive to go find Lucius. The last time he called me he said he was in Harrisburg.

"Maybe I can call him and we can all meet somewhere" I told my mother being concerned about her. She was going to take a train to Pennsylvania. Mom would be here in 3 days. She realized that she was in Romania. Jack's castle was hidden away in Transylvania, Romania. She ended the call with me and went on her way. I texted Lucius to 'call me right away. Urgent.'

In the arena Tristan was practicing by himself. I was watching him train alone. He used a dummy to practice on it.

"Hello Elissa" he says with his back turned around. He asked how long I was standing there I was standing there a few seconds until he noticed I was there. I told him I was sorry for butting into his business I should have respected his privacy but I just wanted to know more about him even the parts that are bad.

"Just like how you were listening to me and Briana's conversation last time he says. I didnt know what else to say to him I was astonished he found out. I was slick but not that slick. "Your not the only one who has eyes and ears." He sat down on the floor and wanted me to join him. I sat down with him face to face. I guess he didnt want to train today.

"I dont want to break your neck today being at this school you train a lot" he says. I laugh in return. He looks at me laugh. He smirks a little bit not wanting to laugh. "You dont have to be sorry for things your curious about. There are some things in life that people dont want to talk about or explain."

"Whats your power I mean every vampire has one, whats yours I ask". He takes a moment to himself.

"Hold out your hand" he says I look to him as if he was going to hurt me. Don't you trust me." I hold out my hand and he holds up his hand both of our hands touch. His hands start turning into a bright light when our palms are together. It starts off warm but when it gets really hot I let go. He could really kill some one with his power. That was his Immortalis (the power you get being a vampire). It was really unique.
"Its beautiful. Have you ever killed anyone doing that I say. He said he never needed to. He has enough strength to kill anyone.

"What's yours ?" He asks. I lied to him and told him I still haven't figured it out yet. I am still learning to control my anger. It gets out of hand when I start biting people.

The school really helped a lot before I came hear I was this average teen girl who never even knew what she was until she found herself. I might know who I an now but I am still trying to know what I come from.
"We should try something"
"Like what he says with a determined face".

I run out of the arena telling him I would be right back. I go upstairs to my room to grab the crystal ball that Kate gave me to look at a glimpse of a price of your life you feel your missing.
I go back running into the arena were I saw the head master and Tristan talking to each other. I try to hide myself so I won't be seen by them. My eyebrows liftbup and I overhear there conversation.

"Have you done what I asked Mr.Stonehardt?" She asks him.

"There is nothing on her Christa. I think you might be paranoid. Who do you think she is besides a little teenage girl? He asks her expecting an answer.
Nothing she says. I just want you to know your place in the school Tristan you are the trainer and instructor of this academy . You have to do your role as a gaurdian of this school and I am trusting you to get answers out of her. I don't care what you do and how you do it I don't want you to get answers out of her if you don't looks like I'll have to do things for myself do I make myself clear."

Don't make me upset. I should remind you that I might be the guardian of the school but that doesn't mean I cant kill you myself myself. She is not as bad as you think she is.
Very spontaneous Mr.Stonehardt you have strength. But I can just rip your heart out with my bare hands. All it takes is one hand digging through the rip cage trying to find its way to the heart . Your little aunt won't save you now. Tristan's eyes turn red. He was supposed to attack the head of master.I remember when you were just a little boy your father used to... She says"

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut the hell up" he says. Tristan's fangs come out and he jumps to try to bite the Christa. I wanted to help him attack her for saying those things to him.

" Your crap doesn't bother me anymore" he says. You are just a lonely woman
Who wants to get information out of someone to get them executed. I am not a defenseless little boy you took in. I will kill you if you get in my way.

Very good Tristan you're getting back to your old ways. now have give me what I want and you live. Besides you know what danger does to us.

Christa's face is hungry for answers. I don't know why it matters to her so much for information.
Christa is on her way out. I just walked into the arena like I didn't hear anything. Tristan was standing up looking at me asking If he was ready to do the thing with me he hadn't known about. He was really pissed off it looked like he didn't want to talk to me. He try to calm myself down.
Christa looks at me with a weird stare on her way out. I think she found out about who I was that means the secret is going to come out earlier than expected.

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