**Read This** (u have to i guess)

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HIIII!!!!! Ummmmmmm....Welcome to my story and thank you for checking it out or even reading it. I'm sorry I'm new to this whole "create your story" thing but I'm not new to Wattpad (I thought I should say that for some reason).

Anyway so due to the fact that I'm new to this (as I stated in the start of the last sentence of the paragraph before this), the story will absolutely have BILLIONS maybe even trillions of plot holes and I'm apologizing for it in advance. Also this story WILL have <{SLOW UPDATES}> because sometimes - and by sometimes I mean most times, I will definitely forget that I have a story to write but I virtually pinky promise you that I'll try to update as much as I can. And that brings me to the reason why I don't have a schedule because if I do, It will make me feel like I have to do it (i.e. homework). Which will definitely lead me to do some extreme procrastinating. Oh and by the way this story is not edited (obviously since I just started it), so if I misspell a few words tell me. I'm not going to ask u to say it nicely since I learned that there is no nice way to say constructive criticism <-- first big words used in this story (after procrastinating)!!!

Now after reading that paragraph you're probably second thinking about reading this story and I'm not going to stop you if you want leave because if I were you and I was reading this right now, I would've left immediately after I read that it will be updating slowly and that there would be and I quote, "BILLIONS maybe even trillions of plot holes". So if you're still reading this right now I just want to tell you in the words of DJ Khaled; "you're smart, you're loyal, you're grateful. I appreciate that."

So in conclusion,

•Only one point of view
•No cast (it kills the imagination IMO)
•Slow updates
•Slow paced chapters (meaning that it will have a lot of chapters and the actual plot will not start until we're a good few chapters in)

^Well this is a disappointing list. But
I'm sure in the future there will definitely be more rules added.

Hugs and hugs,


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