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"That's Amy!" I yell to my mom before I stuff my mouth with the rest of my pancakes and put my plate in the sink. I open the overhead cupboard and grab five granola bars and put them in my back pack for when I get hungry.

Amy — short for Amelia — has been my best friend of nine years. In addition to that, she has also taken over the family business of being my ride to school ever since last year. Her mom used to drive us to school until my best friend got a car for finishing her drivers Ed and earning her license. Ever since then, she's been my designated driver to and from school.

"Oh okay, have a great first day and tell Amelia that I said hi!" My mom yelled from her bedroom.




"I will!" I yelled back as I ran out of the front door because I could tell that Amy was getting impatient.

When I got to her car I tapped the window so she could open it for me.

Last year, she read somewhere about keeping yourself safe or something like that and ever since then, she was always paranoid that someone wants to steal from her. Which resulted in her always taking precautions when it comes to everything that she treasures. Which, as you can tell, includes her treasured Volkswagen Beetle.

"What took you so long?" She said sounding irritated as she unlocked the passenger side door.

"You have no patience at all and if you must know, I was just getting snacks for when I get hungry later." I was amused by how impatient she was. I strapped my seat belt around my body and turn on the radio.

"You and your snacks." She shakes her head knowingly. "And by the way I do have patience, I just didn't want to waste my time sitting in a car waiting for your sorry ass." She adds as she starts the car.

"Ouch Amy, that hurt me deeply." I said dramatically, placing my hand on my chest where my heart lay. I turned my head to see her reaction and she just shook her head with a hint of smile showing on her face.

"All the girls on the block knocking at my door
Wanna know what it is, make the boys want more"

"OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG!" I screamed and jumped on my seat. I turned the volume up and sang as loud as I can and danced in my seat — or as much as I could with the seat belt restricting my body from moving a lot.

"Get your boy on his knees
And repeat after me, say"

"Come on Amy, sing with me." I say as I move my hands while singing along.

"Boy, you belong to me
I got the recipe and it's called black magic"

"Hell no, I'm not trying to embarrass myself by looking like maniac to my traffic neighbors." She chuckled as she pulled up to the red light. She pointed to the people inside the cars that were beside us which decided to pass the time by laughing at me and recording on their phones.

"Goodness gracious Amy why didn't you tell me before." I said which came out muffled as my hands were on my face trying to get rid of the embarrassment.

"Awww why did you stop?!" I hear some guy shout.

"Shows over; Bye boys!" Amy waves as she drives as soon as the lights turn green.

"Nah it was funny and I wanted your audience to have something to look back on to during the day before you stopped your performance." She pulled up to the school laughing.

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