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"Are you sure it's him? I mean come on he's got to be 80 or so" Sohail said making General look at him.

"Trust me captain. I'm your general and I've far more experience and tactic than you" saying Deva knocked the door.

"Oh! Hello general how may I help you sir?" A nurse in her forties asked opening the door.

"Hello! We're here to meet GopalaKrishna(GK). I hope he's home" General said making the nurse smile.

"Ofcourse! Please come in. I'll make some tea" opening the door wide the nurse stepped back allowing them into the living room as she went into the kitchen.

"I knew you'd come searching for me. What did you let him do this time?" An old man in his eighty's asked holding his cane near him.

"I think you must've already heard" General said sitting on the chair opposite to GK.

"Oh! Did he kill? No....Wait! If you are here that means she is still alive. But not long he will give her a slow death atleast she won't die until the King finds her. Painful death if you ask me seeing the loved ones die in front of you, Chidambaram definitely improved his tactics" GK smirked.

"Listen oldman we're here because we need your help or else your tongue would have been cut off by now for the way you spoke about the Queen" Sohail warned.

"Hmm... I know you are the chief security and a Khan right? Well the anger runs in your blood, your father, your grandfather and now you. But listen to me kid if you want something you've to be patient" GK smirked making Sohail grit his teeth.

"We're done waiting patiently we need to find the Queen before the King sets himself to destruction. The country needs him and he needs her, help us please" Deva requested making GK lean forward with his fists under his chin.

"General the man who is almost as powerful as the King begging for someone. The question is why?" GK thought out continuing "Or let me rephrase the question, Why is the general so concerned and keen about bringing back the current Queen of this country unharmed? Certainly not for his King because the King can have anyone after the Queen dies and continue his blood line so it's not about country or for the King it's for that girl isn't it?"

"All I'm asking is to save the Queen and the heir to the throne she is carrying" Deva said loosing his patience.

"The Queen and the heir? Hmm.... it's odd isn't it the Queen's name and my wife's name is same? Tell me general why should I help you? You didn't save my daughter and you got my grand child killed whom I never got to meet or she may not be dead yet until you bring her back from that monster" GK revealed the truth making Sohail shocked and looked at Deva who stood up throwing the coffee table aside with his left hand and put a gun to GK's forehead.

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