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nini emerges from the hallway, she now had her black doc martens on and a tote bag hung over her shoulder. ricky was bent over, doing up his high top converse. "i'm heading out to my lecture now, i'll catch you later." the girl informed ricky as she made her way to the front door.

"oh," the boy stood up from the couch, brushing his shirt down. "i'm just about to head out too." nini's brain clicked. she didn't even know what ricky was studying here at colombia, and there was now the possibility that they were studying the same thing.

"you don't happen to be attending the intro to english lecture do you?" nini slowly spun around on her heel, waiting for the reply anxiously. this was going to be her only time away from him. the boy stared at her blankly, his mouth slightly parted. after a few seconds, he was now smirking at the girl.

"no way," he chuckled slightly. "are we both majoring in english?" nini's eyes closed tightly, knowing what this meant for the pair. the girl sighed as she heard foot steps approaching her, she opened her eyes to see ricky standing right in front of her. "you just can't get rid of me can you?" nini's lips curved slightly, laughing at him and his snarky comment.

"hurry up, we are going to be late." she sassed and with that the two walked through campus toward their lecture theatre. nini admired the colombia campus as they walked in silence, all other students also making their way to different lectures. "the campus is so nice." nini made classic small talk, earning a hum of agreement from the boy who walked beside her. 

the doors to the lecture theatre were pinned opened, revealing all the chairs that were in lines. nini was obviously nervous, she felt so small in the large theatre filled with people. she went to turn to ricky, but when she did, there was no one next to her. panic filled the girls body as she realised that she was now alone.

ricky had ditched the girl because he saw someone that he had meet at the party the night before. she watched the boy effortlessly talk to his new friend, not a care in the world. the frightened girl slowly made her way up the stairs, looking for a spare seat that was next to someone who looked remotely approachable.

her eyes landed on a girl who had dark, curly hair, her makeup was done so professionally, she thought. the curly-headed girl erupted into laughter, putting a smile on nini's face. she clutched her tote bag to the side of her body as she approached the girl. "is anyone sitting here by any chance?" nini gulped, hoping her impression on the girl was correct and that she wouldn't bite back.

"no! take a seat girl!" nini let out the breath she didn't know she was holding in, giving her the biggest grin she could to show that she was grateful for her friendly-ness. "i'm kourtney, you can call me kourt though."

"i'm nina- well actually, nini, i'm nini." kourtney smiled at the girl in front of her as she blabbed on. "are you nervous? i'm really nervous if you couldn't tell." nini awkwardly laughed as she twisted her ring around her finger. 

"yeah, i'm pretty nervous." kourtney shuffled in her seat so her body was toward nini more. "it's normal to be nervous though, it's a pretty daunting place, you have to admit." nini looked up, catching eye contact with her new friend. her words were replaying in her head as she smiled at her. "i wouldn't turn around, but a cute brown-haired boy is staring right at you." nini's eyes nearly feel out of her head as her head shot around to catch the one and only richard bowen staring at her. kourtney slapped her arm. "i literally just told you not to do that."

ricky waved at nini from across the lecture theatre beforehe turned back around to continue his conversation with his new friend. "it's just my idiot roommate." nini rolled her eyes as she sunk into the wooden chair. 

"that's one cute roommate." kourtney admitted, causing nini to groan.

"he doesn't have a cute personality." she clarified before continuing. "he literally came back last night at 4am, drunk if i hadn't mentioned and woke me up." nini wasn't the one to complain, she liked to see the positive in every situation, but this time she couldn't think of any. of course, she though ricky was a nice guy and all, but in reality she was preparing not to have a roommate. she hated when things were just planted on her and had no time to think about it, this was one of those situations. 

before kourtney could reply, their professor entered. enthusiasm was an understatement. this guy clearly loved english and expressed it in his teaching. nini didn't get bored one bit. she didn't know if this was because it was a introduction lecture or if the whole year was going to be fun. 

"i'll see you next time, kourt, it was nice meeting you." nini blurted as she picked up her belongings, putting them back in her tote bag. kourtney stopped her before she could walk away. 

"there is a party on tonight, did you want to come along with me?" kourtney asked, causing nini's mouth form into an 'o' shape. the girl went to kindly declined, but kourtney bet her to it. "please don't say no! i don't really want to go on my own." she pleaded basically at nini's feet, making her feeling extremely guilty.


"yay! i'll give you my number so i can text you later!" she basically snatched nini's phone out of her hand, leaving nini rather shocked. "there you go! you won't regret it." kourtney smiled at her, patting her shoulder before leaving the lecture theatre. the brunette stood for a second, confused, before her thoughts were broken by her name being called. she turned to see ricky standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her.

despite the fact that he basically ditched her before, she smiled at the fact that he waited for her.  she made her way down the stairs, approaching the tall boy. "are you heading back to the apartment?" the girl nods at him. he lead the way out of the theatre, her and her short legs struggling to keep up.

"ricky, wait, i can't walk that fast."



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