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Noah turned down a dirt road not too far from where they found Sam. Ethan could tell that the road wasn't made by the city by how bumpy it was. It was completely dark. Only Noah's headlights were the only source of light. 

Ethan could make out a structure in front of them. At the bottom of the hill stood a large log cabin. The house looked like someone just dropped it there. It was one of the nicest homes Ethan's ever seen. 

"Do you remember this place?" Noah asked as he turned off the car.

"Should I?"

"It's where I brought you two months ago. It was bright out, so it may look different when I got back into town. I really wanted to show you what I've been up to. Kind of funny that we're back here." Noah looked back at him. "So, what do you want me to do? I'm your co-pilot this time. Tell me what to do."

Ethan exited the car and walked around to Sam's side of the car. "Take her inside. I want to think about this."

"Yes, sir," Noah said, picking Sam up and heading inside the cabin. As soon as Noah went inside, Ethan hurried to the driver's seat and looked around. "There!" Ethan said, holding Noah's phone. Ethan made sure Noah wasn't coming back before making a call.

"911, what is your emergency?" The operator asked.

"I need the cops now! I've been kidnapped by The...Snapshot Killer. We're at a cabin off of Upton freeway. We're near a lake. Please hurry!"

The front door started to open as Noah stepped out of the house. "E? What's taking so long?"

"I know it sounds like a joke, but I'm serious. Please send help!"

"Officers are on the way. Get somewhere safe."

Ethan disconnected the line. What should I do? Should I try and get the keys? If I leave, then he might kill Sam. What do I care about some girl I just met? It's her fault for getting into a car with strangers. She's not your problem.

Ethan quickly deleted the call log and held up the phone. "You left your phone. It was buzzing, so I went looking for it." Ethan tossed the phone over to Noah.

"Thanks, I need to charge it. She's in the living room. So, what ya planning? Don't keep me in suspense."

It takes about thirty minutes to get here from the city. I need to distract him so I can get the keys.

"Oh, um, I don't think I'm going to be as flashy as you normally are. I was thinking about starting small and dragging it out." Ethan felt disgusted with himself. The fact he was even having this discussion was messed up.

"Oh, you like taking it slow. Interesting. Hey, I'm not here to judge. This is your night. What do you need?"

"A knife. Would be a good place to start," Ethan said, trying not to vomit.

"Right away, boss." Noah smiled and headed back inside. Ethan followed, and the nostalgia hit him like a truck. He was transported back two months ago when Noah brought him here for a bonding trip. He'd rented the place out then eventually bought it. When Ethan entered the kitchen, a man was strapped down on the dining table. Noah had said he had a surprise waiting for him. Ethan just thought he had got him a present or something.

"What's this?" Ethan said, watching the man start to wake up. He locked eyes with Ethan and started to freak out. 

"I told you I had something to show you. This is it. This man is my gift to us," Noah said, walking over and staring at the man. The man was hysterical at that point. Desperately trying to get out of his bindings. Tears ran down his face, and all the man could do was scream.

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