Chapter 2

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As I lay in my bed waking up, I feel the sun hitting my face. Squinting, I sit up. Today was the day, today was the day I get my Hogwarts letter! I ran down the cold, dark, wood floors through all different hallways in the eerie, and gloomy yet gorgeous Burke manor slipping and sliding because of my socks, when I finally get to the front door. I pick up all the post, flipping through it to find my own letter. Suddenly, I stopped when I came across it, it didn't seem real, I mean of corse I knew I would be accepted, I'm part of one of the most well known pure blood families in the world, but somehow it still felt special. I ran into the kitchen to show my mum but I slowed down when I got to the door knowing she disapproved of she I ran around the manor she thinks it's unladylike like. I strolled in and walked over to her, 'good morning mother' I said, 'good morning Evelyn' she replies in her emotionless tone of voice.
'My Hogwarts letter has arrived' 'wonderful, we can go to diagon alley today to buy everything you need' 'okay mother, I'll start getting ready' 'yes, I'll let you know when the house elves have finished making breakfast' ,and with that I walked back up to my room ,went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped into the shower and thought what my dad would have thought about me getting my Hogwarts letter. My dad was locked up in Azkaban, he got caught working for you-know-who. To be honest, I'm quite glad he's locked away, things are just different when he's around, there's always this weird feeling. He was put in Azkaban when I was just three years old but we are allowed to visit him once a year. It's Christmas Day we get to visit him. So whilst everyone else is having fun I'm visiting my " brilliant" father in Azkaban which is full of dementors, it's always such a lovely time!

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my story it means the world to me! I'll update again tomorrow xx
~377 Words~

 The life of a Burke ~Draco Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now