chapter 3

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Once I had finished getting ready, my mother informed me that breakfast was ready. I walked downstairs and sat down at my place on the long, dark, wooden table in the poorly-lit dining room. My mother took her seat in front of me, as the house elves brought out our food.

'Thank you Jinx' I said as the short elf, dressed in a pillowcase, placed a plate full of different fruits down in front of me. My mother thanked Otis as she did the same.

It was always so awkward between me and me mother when we were alone, I never knew why. We ate in silence with the often glance at each other, but we quickly looked away.

'I shall just go and grab my purse and then we will leave for Diagon Alley, wait for me at the fireplace. We will travel via floo powder.' My mother said walking off in her usual strut.

I stood by the fireplace waiting for her, when I looked at a picture sat at a perfect angle, just on top of the fireplace. I picked it up and noticed it had collected quite a bit of dust, it looked like it hadn't been touched in years. It was a family portrait. With my father. He looked clean and his beard was freshly cut, and we all looked happy. That was on the day of my father's trial. I think that was the last time I ever saw my father out of Azkaban.

I heard my mother's footsteps, and I quickly placed the portrait back at exactly the same place and angle it was before. In perfect timing, my mother strolled in.

'Are you ready' , she questioned.

'Yes mother'

She went first. She stood into the grand, marble fireplace (ducking her head to avoid hitting it), and grabbed a handful of the silvery powder from the shelf inside. She threw it down to the floor and spoke 'Knockturn Alley!' I sighed and rolled my eyes I knew exactly where we were going. Suddenly bright, emerald green flames engulfed her and stole her away. I did the same. I felt the power of the floo powder pull me and I was twisting through the air. The feeling would knock you sick.

I knew I had arrived when I fell to a cold, cement floor. I looked up at my mother feeling embarrassed, to see her sighing and rolling her eyes. I felt ashamed of myself.

My mother grabbed my hand, as she saw the paparazzi coming out way. She pulled me up off the floor and dragged me away. I had to run slightly to keep up with the pace at which she was walking.

I see her slow down and feel her grip loosen, I look up and see 'Borgin and Burke's'

(I knew you recognised the name)

She let go of my hand and we walked into the dark, creepy shop, full of just as dark, creepy things. To be fair with you I really, really, really hated it here.

hiii, thank you so much for reading. I'll update either later or tommorow depending on how I feel

~529 words~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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